I am trying to create a Facebook iFrame app. The app should first show an image and if the user likes the page, he will get access to some content. I use RoR, therefore I can't use ...
You may receive SMS Notifications from Facebook and can opt out at any time. Create Account Security Check This field is required. Can't read the words below? Try different words or an audio captcha.. Loading... Enter the text you see above. Why am I
Check how many people liked or shared a specific web page on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks. ... Like Explorer is a tool that shows how many people shared or liked a specific web page (URL) on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other ...
經營粉絲專頁是件困難的事情,要有對的群眾就要有對的主題,粉絲才會逐漸累積,當然也聽聞不少粉絲團是買來的,那就可以透過 Facebook Like Checker 來檢查這些粉絲是來自於哪些國家,也算是粉絲團健康檢查的一種,對於廣告主來說,也更加能確認目標的國家是否是正確的,檢查出來的數據可以當成一種參考唷!