Software for Windows The game's Steam description says it all "Corpse of Discovery is not for everyone". It is a self-professed walking simulator. But that is not an expression I personally use - I prefer to describe
WildGem is a free powerful text finder and replacement tool for Windows that supports regular expressions and real-time previews.Most text editors for Windows.
In addition, it has an ability to rename folders, process regular expressions, .... If you're a beginner who only occasionally uses find and replace, WildGem will ...
Replace text in files and standard streams with other text or a formatted regular expression using... Jul 4th 2016, 14:22 GMT Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP ...
My simple program (which uses the Regex function in C#) beats them all. ... which is fixed-width), and presumably its Regex implementation also uses that. ... component that Notepad++ uses, yet Wildgem takes two seconds, ...
@DyNama word boundary is currently done via regex w+. I agree ..... I am a user of both TIMU and WildGem so in the meantime while it gets worked on for this ...