Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL 正式發表,DxOMark 98分成為拍照 No.1
Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL 正式發表,DxOMark 98分成為拍照 No.1


Google Pixel 2 | Pixel XL 2 Release Date


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Google Pixel 2 release date, news and rumors

Update: A massive new leak has seemingly revealed almost everything about the Pixel 2, including its screen specs, power, camera and battery. The next flagship phone(s) from Google look to be less than a week away, and rumors surrounding the Google Pixel

Google unveils Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL with no headphone jack ...

9 小時前 · After rumors and leaks, Google product chief Mario Queiroz today unveiled two new Android Oreo smartphones at the company’s annual hardware event: the Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL. Available for preorder starting today, the two phones will see a s

Pixel 2, Ask more of your phone

8 小時前 · Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL bring the power of Google Assistant to your fingertips. The carrier unlocked Pixel 2 provides a clean, bloat-free experience with no unwanted apps.

Google Pixel 2疑10/5推出 搭載高通S836

科技部落客 evleaks 日前指出,根據過去發表時間推測,Google Pixel 2 系列新機可能於 10/5 推出,evleaks 也提到 Google Pixel 2 系列將是首款運行 Android 8.0 Oreo 系統的智慧手機,並採用比 Qualcomm Snapdragon 835

Google Pixel 2 lands Oct. 4, here's what we know

With its superb camera and elegant design, the Google Pixel (and its larger counterpart, the Pixel XL) hit it out of the park last year. So it's no surprise that Google wants to keep the good times rolling with its pair of premium flagship phones. Oth

Google Pixel 2

Google Pixel 2 Android smartphone. Not announced yet. Features 5.0″ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 835 chipset, 12.3 MP primary camera, 8 MP front camera, 64 GB storage, 4 ...

Pixel, Phone by Google

Unlimited storage for all your photos and videos. And it’s the first phone with the Google Assistant built in. Pixel Google Home Google Wifi Daydream View Chromecast ...

Google Pixel 2 hands-on

7 小時前 · The original Google Pixel was an odd device. It managed to be one of the best phones of 2016 while simultaneously feeling like a missed opportunity. It lacked an eye-catching look and a host of common features you’d expect on a £600 phone, but t

Google新品發表會總整理:Pixel 2亮相,拍照秒殺iPhone 8、支援握壓 ...

1 小時前 - Google發表會上亮相了新一代Pixel手機:Pixel 2/2 XL,此外還有Pixelbook、Google Home Mini⋯⋯多項硬體產品推出。

Google新機Pixel 2 重點看這裡| 即時新聞| 20171005

4 小時前 - Google相隔一年,在今晨發表會推出新手機Pixel 2與Pixel 2 XL,採用Full HD OLED螢幕,機身採窄邊框設計,同時移除了耳機插孔,搭載高通S835 ...

Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL 正式發表,DxOMark 98分成為拍照 No.1

Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL 正式發表,DxOMark 98分成為拍照 No.1

Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL 正式發表,看到身邊的朋友們都動了起來,對於這支手機相當感興趣,最醒目的一點就是 DxOMark 得到了 98 分的超級高分,前一天 DxOMark 才公布了 Note8 與 iPhone 8 Plus 同為 94 分為最佳拍照手機,沒想到 Note8 坐在首位僅僅一天而已,王座就被 Google Pixel 2 拿下了,而且 Google Pixel 2 以單鏡頭就能取得這樣的高分,讓很多人都瞪大眼睛關注著!

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首圖 Google 今日(10/5)正式發表 Pixel 2 系列手機,包括 5 吋的 Pixel 2 以及 6 吋全螢幕設計的 Pixel 2 XL。Google Pixel 2 系列採用最新 Android 8.0 Oreo 原生作業系統,完整支援包括 Google Assistant、Google Lens 等服務,也能夠對應 Daydream VR 以及 ARCore...

Google Pixel 2

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