
IECleaner 相關文章



趨勢科技 個人所需之勒索病毒防護

主動出擊就是最佳的防禦。採用趨勢科技 PC-cillin 2017 雲端版來主動防範勒索病毒進入您的電腦。從 2015 年 10 月至今,趨勢科技已攔截一億次以上的勒索病毒威脅。* 免費體驗 >> *Trend Labs,2016 年 4 月:99% 的勒索病毒都是透過電子郵件或網站連結 ...


2015年10月17日 - IECleaner (IEC.exe). IECleaner cleans up all evidences of your internet activty. IECleaner has a built-in Pop-up windows killer. IECleaner lets ...

Download CCleaner 5.26.5937

CCleaner removes these files to make your browsing experience confidential, meaning you are less likely to suffer from identity theft and/or online fraud. The military grade Drive Wiper ensures any data you want to be permanently deleted, stays deleted. .

[下載] CCleaner v5.26 繁體中文版!(清除電腦垃圾,讓 Windows 跑得更順暢!) _ 重灌狂人

2017/1/19 更新:軟體版本更新至 v5.26.5937 最新版(Mac 版 v1.14)。更新細節:按這裡。 常常會覺得電腦越跑越慢嗎?在一般情形下,電腦用久了難免會累積很多用不到的垃圾程式或錯誤的登錄檔、系統設定等,讓電腦卡在那邊

IECleaner (free version) download for PC

2016年2月1日 - Download IECleaner for free. IECleaner (Internet Evidences Cleaner) is a tool to clean up all evidences written by your browser while your are ...

CCleaner 5.21.5700 for Windows 安裝版:軟體王2017


Five apps that will clean up Internet Explorer

Even if you are not in the habit of visiting questionable Web sites, you may occasionally find it necessary to clean up Internet Explorer in an effort to protect your privacy and/or improve the browser's performance. This article discusses five utilit

IECleaner 1.0 freeware for Windows Mobile Phone.

2005年1月17日 - IECleaner 1.0 - After you use your Pocket Internet Explorer for a while, the documents and URLs that you have accessed are cached in PDA's ...

IECleaner :

2005年7月12日 - 免費軟體、綠色軟體、免安裝軟體,這些免費資源真的很好用,有些軟體還不輸付費軟體,這裡的資訊就分享給有需要的人囉!


CCleaner - Clean temporary files, optimize & speed up your computer with the world's leading PC Cleaner Piriform For Home PC Software CCleaner Defraggler Recuva Speccy Mobile Software CCleaner for Android Mac Software CCleaner for Mac CCleaner Clo