帶著數位相機一出門,一回家後就有一堆照片等著處理。拍得時候快門不停按,令人有一種成就感,但是後續的處理可就令人頭大了,這個時候 VSO Image Resizer 就可以派得上用場了。
數位相機越來越普及,也讓幾乎有電腦的人就有一部數位相機,所以一旦有機會出門踏青,數位相機的快門總是會被按個不停。按快門時著實有一種快感,但是當回家後看著上千張的戰利品,想到要整理時,可是令人不寒而慄阿。此時,你其實可以透過 VSO Image Resizer 的協助來減輕你的工作量。VSO Image Resizer 是一款集合了圖片轉換、更命、縮放等功能的免費圖片編修工具,使用者可以利用它所提供的批次修改功能,來對圖片進行一次性的調整,加速你對圖片的處理。且 VSO Image Resizer 還能夠讓使用者對大量的圖檔進行轉換,例如使用者拍的照片是 BMP 格式,使用者可以只透過一個按鍵就將它們一次轉成 JPEG 檔,方便儲存。也能夠對這些照片加入浮水印來確保圖片的原創性。對於想要對圖片進行重新命名的使用者來說, VSO Image Resizer 還提供了批次更名的功能,讓你能夠將整個目錄裡的相片輕鬆更改成想要的檔案名稱格式喔。How to resize images : The VSO free image resize software organizes your photos by changing their resolution or moving them within your hard drive. VSO Image resizer is the perfect tool for those who store their digital pictures and images on their PC and who want to resize, compress, convert, create copies, create thumbnails, import or organize photos.
With this free resize image software, you can create e-mail friendly versions of your images, load them faster, move them easily from folder to folder, change their format, edit large numbers of image files/batch image resize and thus save space on your hard drive. Using high resolution 1600x1200 for creating wallpaper or file-sharing you can save your memory. VSO Image Resizer can also change file names using a template and you can add your own watermark with transparency support.
VSO Image resizer is integrated into the Windows explorer shell, right click on your pictures and start working on your pictures !Key Features
* Convert between different graphic formats
* Configurable compression/resolution ratio
* Support file formats: Jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff etc
* Support Digital Camera RAW formats: Canon .CR2, Nikon .NEF , .MRW Minolta
* Handle single picture or batch mode
* Customizable templates for renaming files
* You can add your own watermark file
* Reduce size photos perfect for web publishing/share photos by email
* Integrate in windows explorer or works as a stand-alone application
* Fast processing
* Import directly from your memory cards
* Save history of destination folder
* Variable options and settings for advanced users
* Multilingual support (available languages...)
* Optimized for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista