Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名

Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名

一款體積小巧功能強大的文件更名工具。完全免費,界面友好,共分為12項操作內容。你可以批量給文件或文件夾(選擇「遞歸」時包含子文件夾)重命名,隨時 更名隨時預覽。你可以批量給文件或文件夾名稱添加前綴或後綴,添加日期,自動編號,批量刪除指定字符,批量插入指定字符到文件名中的指定位置,批量替換指 定字符,批量刪除數字、漢字等...更難能可貴的是,它還支持文件擴展名的批量更改,保存更名後的文件到新的位置。總之,有了 Bulk Rename Utility,你會發覺給文件或文件夾更名變得前所未有的輕鬆!

Bulk Rename Utility has evolved through a series of user-requests, one-off requirements, and general enhancements. Some of the features provided by Bulk Rename Utility include:

    -- Very easy to use
    -- Rename files, folders or both
    -- Remove or change a filename
    -- Perform string substitution
    -- Change the case of filenames
    -- Remove characters or words
    -- Remove digits or symbols
    -- Append or prepend text
    -- Append dates in many formats
    -- Append the parent folder's name
    -- Auto-number files with flexible rules
    -- Automatically preview the new names
    -- Sort the file details by any column
    -- Group configurations into "favourites"
    -- "Bulk Rename" Explorer extension
    -- Directory recursion - process subdirectories too!
    -- Rename files from an input text-file list
    -- Create an "Undo" batch file
    -- Log activity to a text log file
    -- Change file and folder date/time-stamps (created, modified, accessed)
    -- Change file/folder attributes (hidden, readonly, archived)
    -- Small memory footprint
    -- Settings retained between sessions
    -- True 32-bit application
    -- Written wholly in Visual C++
    -- Application is totally free!

In addition to Bulk Rename Utility I also now have Bulk Rename Command. This lightweight, fully-compiled executable file contains many of the features of Bulk Rename Utility, but is designed to be run from a command line. It is perfect for inclusion in batch files, login scripts, or scheduled jobs. The appliocation is controlled entirely via program arguments, with no use made of .INI files or the Windows Registy.


Bulk Rename Utility 複雜的批次更名

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Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名:

2008年7月4日 - 更難能可貴的是,它還支持文件擴展名的批量更改,保存更名後的文件到新的位置。總之,有了Bulk Rename Utility,你會發覺給文件或文件夾更名變 ...

Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名

Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名 一款體積小巧功能強大的文件更名工具。完全免費,界面友好,共分為12項操作內容。你可以批量給文件或文件夾(選擇「遞歸」時包含子文件夾)重命名,隨時 ...


Introduction Bulk Rename Utility: file renaming software for Windows. Bulk Rename Utility is free of charge for personal, private use, at home. To use Bulk Rename Utility within a business entity, company or for commercial purposes, a commercial license i

複雜的批次資料夾更名Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 【學習筆記】

支援資料夾命名這功能很強,其他軟體少見有繁中[s]再也不怕謎片下太多D槽很零亂了[/s] http://portable.easylife.tw/827http://portable.easyli ... 複雜 ...