Download DeskPins - Better organize yourself and improve your workflow with the help of this useful app that allows you to conveniently pin applications to stay on top of other
DeskPins can be used to make any application topmost, that is, to keep it above all other windows. Just grab a pin from the DeskPins icon in the system notification area (a.k.a. taskbar tray) and click on any window. This functionality is ...
DeskPins helps a lot in putting your priority applications above your other windows that are also open in your desktop. Pinning them on top not only makes it accessible but it also saves you the time from having to dig through the numerous tabs ...
DeskPins 介紹 DeskPins 有 Windows 9x 與其他 Windows 版本,看你使用的是哪一個作業系統,絕大多數人應該都是 Windows 10,因此請選擇第一個 v1.32: Cropro-2020-06-02-16-10-11 安裝過程就一直按下一步即可。這款雖然沒有中文介面,但操作很簡單