數位化桌面便利貼- Stickies,不用在電腦前面貼一堆便利貼了! ... Stickies is a PC utility I wrote to try to cut down on the number of Post-ItR notes I was .... 儲存或載入所有螢幕的設定、把視窗搬移到另一個螢幕,這些動作甚至可以使用純指令來.
Stickies 視窗便利貼好幫手 (免安裝繁體中文版) - 簡單生活EasylifeThis is a sticky note application. The stickies is overlaid on a screen. A sticky is arranged in free position. 10 screens can be switched and used. T【軟體名稱】Stickies 【軟體版本】6.7a 【語言 ...