Tune Into Forests From Around The World. Escape, Relax & Preserve. A collaboration between ecosia.org and newnow.cool. People around the world recorded the sounds of their forests, so you can escape into nature, while in lockdown or unable ...
2019/4/22 · 3FM Isle of Man - Listen on-air, online, on mobile, smart speaker to 3FM the number one Isle of Man radio station with more music, news and island info COVID-19: Hospital admissions near first peak as doctor warns full UK vaccine rollout cou
People around the world recorded the sounds of their forests, so you can escape into nature, while in lockdown or unable to travel. Use this site to chill, meditate ...
Tree.fm 網站的操作非常簡單,基本上只要進入首頁後,按下 Listen ro a Random Forest 即可開始播放,沒有什麼複雜的操作。 進入森林背景音樂之後,還會搭配一張背景圖樣,這些圖片是來自於 Unsplash 圖庫,畫面中還會有地點標示,點擊進去可以看到這些聲音是從哪邊來的。森林的聲音來源則是 Sounds of the Forest。 與來源 Sounds of the Forest 不同的是,Tree.fm 從數以百計的叢林中精選了幾個聲音並且重複播放,並且加入了一些立體音及混音。透過這種模擬在大自然中的聲音,或許能夠幫助你在工作時更加專注,連結幫大家準備在下面,趕快點過去試試看吧。Tree.fm:https://www.tree.fm/