有技術能夠讓已故的朋友、家人照片動起來?最近小編發現 Deep Nostalgia 網站,能夠透過 AI 演算法,讓靜止照片中的人物動起來,就像影片般的神奇,並且開放使用者上傳自己的家庭照、朋友合照等,完全免費使用,讓照片動起來之後,還能夠免費下載 MP4 影片保存下來,照片中的人就像真的在動一樣,趕快試試將你手中的照片上傳,讓它們動起來吧!
進入 Deep Nostalgia 首頁後,點擊「Upload photo」即可上傳照片,當然也可以直接用拖曳的方式將影片上傳。 在處理照片之前,一定需要登入才可以,如果擔心隱私外洩,不一定要填寫真實資料,因為也沒有驗證的步驟,填寫完畢後按下確定就可以囉。 小編試著上傳「慈禧太后」及國父「孫中山」的照片,畢竟大家都沒看過這兩個人動起來的樣子吧?效果還滿驚人的!處理過程等待約 1 分鐘內即可完成。呈現的效果如下:
2021/2/28 · Deep Nostalgia can take photos from any camera and create a life-like animation. The AI program uses pre-recorded driver videos of facial movements and applies the one that ...
5 天前 — In just one week since its release, Deep Nostalgia™, our new feature for animating family photos, has exploded in popularity and become an ...
Deep Nostalgia also got a shout-out on Who Do You Think You Are Magazine, Family History Hound, and The Legal Genealogist. Many, many thanks to all of you for sharing your videos and telling your friends about this incredible new feature.
2021/3/3 · Deep Nostalgia uses machine learning to animate static images. The AI can animate images by "looking" at a single facial image, and the animations include movements such as ...
一項名為Deep Nostalgia的AI技術可以靜態照片的人物為基礎製作出假(deepfake)影片,使老照片中的人物動了起來。 Deep Nostalgia服務是由線上族譜公司MyHeritage利用授權自D-ID的AI技術而成,能為靜態相片加入特效,使相片中的人物也能眨眼、轉動頭部、甚至微笑,好 ...
MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia , video reenactment technology to animate the faces in still photos and create high-quality, realistic video footage. You are currently not logged in as a member of MyHeritage. Some of the information displayed may be ...