對我一直都在使用網路的人來說,我是很在意網路速度的,雖然說現在家裡的網路已經 400M/100M了,不過遇到 P2P 下載時還是會稍嫌有緩慢的感覺,而流量控管的 IP 分享器又稍嫌昂貴,這時候只能好好的掌控自己的流量,避免影響到別人上網;或是偷偷去別台電腦安裝流量控管,這樣就不會影響到我上網啦!
NetBalancer 是還不錯的流量掌控工具,雖然有免費與專業版本之分,不過免費版本就很夠用了,使用方式還算簡易。掌控流量的軟體通常會有驅動程式與網卡結合,所以這軟體是需要安裝的唷!


| Registered Version | Unregistered Version |
Set download and upload network priority or limit for any process |
unlimited |
none |
Supported priorities: High, Normal, Low, Block, Ignore, Limit, Drop, Delay |
+ |
+ |
Automatically load priorities and limits from a network located file |
+ |
+ |
Automatically load rules from a network located file |
+ |
+ |
Define detailed network traffic rules |
unlimited |
none |
Business usage |
+ |
Home use only |
Group local network computers and balance their traffic synchronised |
+ |
+ |
Protect all settings and priorities with a password to prevent unauthorised changes |
+ |
+ |
Show all system processes with their in and out network traffic speed |
+ |
+ |
Show current connections for any process |
+ |
+ |
Detailed download and upload traffic history for any process since first NetBlancer's install |
+ |
+ |
View overall system traffic as a graph |
+ |
+ |
Show network traffic in system tray |
+ |
+ |
Fine tune priorities (see Level Severity setting) |
+ |
+ |
Native 64 bit support for best performance |
+ |
+ |
Full IPv6 support |
+ |
+ |
Set global traffic limits |
+ |
+ |
NetBalancer 12.3.2.exe(GOOGLE下載) NetBalancer 12.3.2.exe(1DRV下載) NetBalancer 12.3.2.exe(MEDIAFIRE下載) NetBalancer 12.3.2.exe(RAPIDGATOR下載) NetBalancer 12.3.2.exe(MEGA下載)檔案大小:36.91 MB