Wise Game Booster 是 Wise Cleaner公司針對遊戲玩家專門推出的一款遊戲加速軟體。Wise Game Booster 通過禁用一些不必要的開機啟動項,開機服務以及相關註冊表項,並釋放被不相干程序佔用的大量記憶體,從而提升電腦的遊戲性能。
Add Games to Wise Game Booster Wise Game Booster allows you to add your games into "My games", so you don't need to find the games from crowded desktop icons. Here you can manage your games and check the game information.
遊戲加速器下載 Wise Game Booster 最近有許多電腦遊戲的硬體需求都特別高,而自已的電腦不是太舊要不就是不夠力能跑想玩的遊戲,除了花錢升級硬體之外,其實還能靠軟體來協助我們改善遊戲的運作效率,今天要介紹的軟體叫做「Wise Game Booster」,它 ...
Game Booster 是 IObit 推出的優化軟體,針對遊戲族群所設計,如果你還在使用舊電腦玩遊戲,又不得不把遊戲的畫面品質調到最低、特效都關閉,其實可以考慮試試看 Game Booster 軟體來最佳化系統,玩遊戲時就能獲得更好的效能和體驗。
Wise Game Booster optimizes your system for games by temporarily suspending unnecessary processes, individually or all at once, to focus resources on gaming performance. It analyzes your system and suggests courses of action for all processes and services
用戶可以透過它來改善PC性能而提高遊戲執行速度。 【軟體名稱】:Wise Game Booster 【軟體版本】:1.25.35 【軟體分類】:系統工具,電腦優化
Wise Game Booster can help you to speed up your games by optimizing windows system, ending unnecessary background processes, and stopping unwanted ...
免費遊戲加速軟體 - Wise Game Booster,就算沒玩遊戲也可以使用的電腦加速軟體,可以掃描電腦問題並最佳化,具有系統最佳化、處理程序最佳化...(阿榮,阿榮福利味,科技,網路 ...
Wise Game Booster can help you to speed up your games by optimizing windows system, ending unnecessary background processes, and stopping unwanted system services. ... WHY CHOOSE WISECLEANER? 60-Day Money Back Guarantee Try before you ...
Wise Game Booster, free and safe download. Wise Game Booster latest version: Optimize your PC to play games better and faster. Wise Game Booster is a free PC program that helps you optimize your PC to get the most out of your g