Junkware Removal Tool 是套方便、可靠的應用程式,搜索並刪除常見廣告軟體、工具列和可能有害的程式,Junkware Removal Tool 能輕輕鬆鬆地幫您移除您電腦中不請自來的廣告軟體、惡意程式和 PUPS(可能有害的程式)以及解決瀏覽器的首頁、工具列遭綁架的 ...
Junkware Removal Tool (JRT)可以解決使用者瀏覽器首頁被綁架、安裝廣告工具列或是惡意程式等狀況,它是一個非常簡單的安全工具,無須安裝,下載後能在指令列執行,自動尋找、移除已知的不受歡迎程式,也會提供結果記錄。
Junkware Removal Tool is a security utility that searches for and removes common adware, toolbars, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) from your computer. A common tactics among freeware publishers is to offer their products for free, but bundle them
Scrubs out the bad, keeps the good Is your PC running slow? It could be infected with potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), adware, or other junkware. Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) by Malwarebytes sweeps up and removes all traces of irritating hitchhikers.
2016年12月16日 - Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) 是一款可搜尋並移除首頁綁架、廣告軟體、工具列等的免費軟體。雖然一些免費軟體開發者免費提供他們的產品,但 ...
Thisisu's Junkware Removal Tool purges your system of PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) like adware and toolbars almost as easily as they find their way into your system. It's not uncommon for freeware to come bundled with other programs that y
Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) is a security program developed by Thisisu’s. This program was made to remove potentially unwanted program (PUP) as well as to delete any malicious items from the computer. Junkware Removal Tool target’s adware like unwanted ..
2016年12月22日 - 在Windows 上就有一個相當不錯的間碟程式移除工具Junkware Removal Tool (簡稱JRT) ,只要執行這個程式,就會自動找出惡意的瀏覽器綁架 ...
2016/10/5 更新:軟體版本更新至 v8.0.9 最新版。 注意!若執行過此軟體還是無法解決首頁綁架或類似問題,可以參考另外這篇文章:解決首頁綁架、工具列、搜尋綁架問題?(IE, Google Chrome, Firefox)。 這軟體的名稱寫得很直接
2017年1月20日 - 不過百密總有一疏,萬一不幸中獎,可以來試試Junkware Removal Tool 這套免費又免安裝的惡意軟體清除程式。官方網站有列出主要的清除對象, ...