Primg is an image print utility with three printing methods.
Summary: Exposure to a stimulus influences behavior in subsequent, possibly unrelated tasks. This is called priming; priming effects abound in usability and web design. Psychologists call this phenomenon priming. It refers to the fact that exposure to one
Primg Freeware - print photo pages Home Freeware Shareware Latest Downloads Editor's Selections Top 100 Portable Apps More Home Freeware System Tools Printing Tools Primg Save for later Add to Favorites Popular in System Tools ...
DOWNLOAD Primg for Windows CHANGELOG for Primg top alternatives FREE Pivot Animator NVIDIA PhysX VisiPics s5230 Wallpaper Creator ASCII Generator dotNET top alternatives PAID MultiExtractor Print Merge Numerator file size ...
Screenshots and Features Overview of freeware Primg. ... Supported OS Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32/64bit) Input Formats BMP: 1/4/8/16/24/32bit (uncompressed bottom-up DIB) PNG: 1/2/4/8/24/48bit JPEG: 8bit/24bit (Exif Auto Rotation)
Prime95 has been a popular choice for stress / torture testing a CPU since it's introduction, especially with overclockers and system builders. Since the software makes heavy use of the processor's integer and floating point instructions, it feeds
瀏覽標籤為: Primg 的全部文章 ... 的話,這麼做就相當麻煩。如果你剛好有這類需求,可以試試看下面這個簡單的小工具Primg,來幫照片用縮圖的方式排列、列印出…
Primg 可支援以檔案名稱排序、Exif 內容排序.. 等方法,除了一次列印多張照片的縮圖外,也可將單一圖片重複排列在同一個版面中,並自訂列印時的照片寬度、高度與照片間的間隔…等等各種細節。是一個相當好用的圖片列印輔助工具 ...
2013年12月25日 - 照片縮圖列印工具- Primg,簡單的照片列印軟體,可以列印縮圖、單張,以及將某張圖片的某個固定區域重複排版列印在同張紙上,例如:可以選取 ...
Primg is a Windows image printing tool that makes it easy to print proof sheets, pages of thumbnails, and individual images. Primg isn't a mere print driver; in fact, it uses your installed printers, virtual printers, and printer drivers for the actua