If you just need to print colored text using the same API on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, colorconsole can be a good option. It uses ctypes to access Windows ...
儘管電腦作業系統從以前的 Dos 指令進展到現在圖形介面的 Windows 7 作業系統,但還是保留的可執行 Dos 指令的「命令提示字元」,通常會用來執行一些像是 Ping、 Net use、regedit、ipconfig 等等的指令,若是對內建的 「命令提示字元」視窗介面不滿意 ...
colors.js get color and style in your node.js console Installation npm install colors colors and styles! text colors black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white gray grey background colors bgBlack bgRed ...
2016年2月25日 - 彩色的DOS視窗- ColorConsole,讓Windows命令提示字元(cmd.exe)不再只有黑與白,並且增加許多實用功能:透過類似書籤的方式快速執行指令( ...
colorconsole uses a common set of console (text mode) primitives, available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The API is the same on all operating systems ...
2016年2月24日 - ColorConsole brings a little color to your black and white world of Windows console . With changeable font style and color . One can save many ...
ColorConsole lets you change the UI language, text emphasis mode and background color. You can prepare the text for printing after configuring settings, use a search function when dealing with large amounts of data, quickly access favorite locations on th
ColorConsole quite simply does exactly what it says; allows you to use (cmd.exe) (DOS prompt) with colors and adds additional features. Great for someone with ...
ColorConsole - A very simple class library that provides short-hand colored output ... Sign up Sign in Pricing Blog Support Search GitHub This repository Watch 1 Star 4 Fork 1 rmckirby / ColorConsole Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0
您只要開啟 [適用於 VS2012 的開發人員命令提示字元] 視窗,執行以下的命令,就可以將位於 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files 資料夾底下的共同組件當做共同的組件,並放置到 C: ...