Transmute 2.09 - 書籤大王

Transmute supports the new Chrome browser, including dev channel releases.

Firefox 1 & 2 are supported as well as Firefox 3, with its new database model.

Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Vista are fully supported.

Opera browser hotlists are also well supported for easy importing and exporting.

Safari is the web browser from the people behind the iPhone and iPod.

Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome.

Flock is a web browser based on Firefox featuring social bookmarking and more.

Konqueror is an open-source web browser for KDE, used primarily in Linux.已經習慣Firefox的我也可以跳槽到其他瀏覽器試試看囉!再來這軟體除了書籤格式的轉換之外,也是可以當作書籤備份的工具,好好備份這些重要的書籤(我的最愛)吧!相關介紹
Transmute 書籤轉換、匯出工具 (支援IE、Firefox、Google、Opera與Safari)
瀏覽器書籤互不相通嗎?讓免費小工具–Transmute幫你統統搞定!Transmute 2.09.rar(免費空間下載)
Transmute 2.09.rar(免費空間下載)