WinContig v0.78 - 檔案與磁碟重組專家
◎.WinContig 支援單一檔案跟資料夾的重組功能。
◎.WinContig 也有快速跟智慧兩種模式可供選擇,實際測試的結果發現就算選智慧模式,該重組的速度還是相當快,並且也可以選擇對單一硬碟或者整部電腦進行重組。
◎.WinContig 可以讓你設定重組完後是否關閉程式或者直接關閉電腦喔,很棒的功能,也就是要關機前給他自己重組後關閉就可以不用力它了!!
◎.WinContig 在重組前可以先進行磁碟清理的功能,這樣可以先清掉一些垃圾在重組就更有效率了。WinContig is an easy-to-use stand-alone defragmentation tool that doesn't create any installation directories or Registry entries on your computer. Its purpose is to quick defrag files without the need to defrag the whole disk. In addition, WinContig allows you to group files into profiles, and also it accepts a number of optional command-line switches that you can use to control how the program operates.WinContig is a standalone executable, and it doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, just extract the contents of the ZIP archive to any folder you like, and run it.WinContig is released as freeware for personal and commercial use.WinContig is an application designed for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista operating systems.As a user of Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista you have to be logged in with full administration rights.