WinCrypto 主要用於檔案的加密和解密,採用 RC4 演算法,效果佳且速度快;支援檔案拖曳:將您要加密的檔案拖曳進 [來源檔案] 底下的欄位,輸入密碼後再按 [加密] 即可,目錄下會產生一個 [*.cpt] 的加密檔;解密則將 [*.cpt] 拖曳進 [來源檔案] 底下的欄位,同樣輸入密碼後再按 [解密],即可於所在目錄下解出被加密的檔案。當然,您也可以指定加 / 解密目標檔案的位置;另外,不支援加密空白文件,會出錯。
The application helps to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information. Well known RC4 encryption algorithm is used by WinCrypto application. The WinCrypto is optimized well and works extremely fast and it is easy to use. Drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop it in Source File field. Version 2 adds progress bar.