

你怎么还没睡很迟了. Why are you awake? It's late. 没关系我还没睡-你人真好. It's alright, I'm not sleeping yet. - That's sweet of you. 朋友,你还没睡啊?

“你还没睡”英语说成:Haven't you slept,一点也不地道

“你还没睡”英语说成:Haven't you slept,一点也不地道. 英语天天talk. 相关推荐. 查看更多. “睡衣”的英语,不说“sleep clothes”,地道表达就.

290 “你还没睡呀?”“你起来了?”如何用英文表达?

Zoey: You still up? It's late. (你还没睡? 挺晚了。) Tina: Yeah. Can't sleep. (是的。 睡不着。)

“还没睡”英语,老外不说“Have't you slept”,地道表达就俩字

Haven't you slept yet? / Haven't you gone to bed?你还没睡吗? 这两句话在语法上面,是一个非常正确的表达;. 但是这样完美 ...

Chris English 多益|文法|生活實用英文| 這麼晚還沒睡 ...

298 likes, 1 comments - ct_english74 on May 15, 2024: 這麼晚還沒睡?英文怎麼說今天教學的靈感來源是最近line貼圖新的組合功能,做出了一張超適合 ...

You're still up,你还没睡呢#英语#英语口语#看电影学英语

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你是剛醒還是還沒睡? Tag那個常常凌晨3點還在線上的朋友叫他今天早點睡覺 Don't stay up too late!!! stay up 這個片語你一定沒問題但還是給你兩個 ...

看電影學英文- You're up late. 你這麼晚了還沒睡(up late)

You're up late. 你這麼晚了還沒睡(up late) - 電影Sleepless In Seattle-西雅圖夜未眠, 10句精彩對話Part 2.


口语聊天的形式,呵呵. It's so late now,haven't you gone to sleep yet? 你好! 有催眠的效果,可以让人更好的去梦中想想,从而入睡!

在中文中翻译why don't you sleep - 例句英语

.. It's late, why don't you sleep? 这么晚你还没睡? Why don't you sleep on it? 您为什么不在睡觉的时候考虑呢? Why don't you sleep instead of thinking ...

