
Cleaner for windows sent to me instead of Mac version

2023年10月12日 — Ccleaner has no affiliation with macafee, they are owned by avast/avg/norton but not macafee. I worry you were scammed. ADVICE FOR USING ...

What will you use instead of CCleaner?

2017年9月18日 — In all seriousness, the only other application I've used in the past that functions similarly to CCleaner is Glary Utilities. It's not bad. 2 ...

Microsoft now detects CCleaner as a Potentially Unwanted ...

2020年7月30日 — Here's What You Should Use Instead of CCleaner https://www.howtogeek.com/361112/heres-what-you-should-use-instead-of-ccleaner/. Logged ...

Using CCleaner.INI to modify how CCleaner runs

This page focuses on CCleaner INI files and how to use them to change how CCleaner runs. For a detailed look at INI settings and functions, view the table ...

CCleaner Browser

Mask your browser fingerprint to disguise your online trail. Websites and ad networks are getting smarter. Instead of relying exclusively on cookies and your IP ...

Is CCleaner Safe for Windows?

2023年4月19日 — CCleaner is a safe option for cleaning unwanted files from your Windows PC. Following the software getting hacked in 2017, Avast made the ...

What are the benefits of buying a CCleaner Pro license ...

2022年11月7日 — What are the benefits of buying a CCleaner Pro license instead of downloading the trial version? ... cleaner software tool like CCleaner and ...

Alternatives to CCleaner?

2022年7月20日 — Share. Drakayne. • 2y ago. You don't need any cleaner,use windows tools instead, 3rd party tools do more harm than good. Upvote 2. Downvote


2022年10月2日 — What was the last good version of ccleaner, in your opinion? Also, which program would you suggest instead? What do you mean with pup? Paul ...


2023年10月12日—Ccleanerhasnoaffiliationwithmacafee,theyareownedbyavast/avg/nortonbutnotmacafee.Iworryyouwerescammed.ADVICEFORUSING ...,2017年9月18日—Inallseriousness,theonlyotherapplicationI'veusedinthepastthatfunctionssimilarlytoCCleanerisGlaryUtilities.It'snotbad.2 ...,2020年7月30日—Here'sWhatYouShouldUseInsteadofCCleanerhttps://www.howtogeek.com/361112/heres-what-you-should-use-instead-of-c...

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