ScreenTime Not Blocking Chrome & YouTube on iPhone in iOS 14.4 ...

HowdoesgooglechromeisshowingupinscreentimewhenIdon'tevenhaveitinmyphone.,Youcansetthedowntimelimittobesay11pm-7am(orwheneveryouwakeup).ThatwayonlytheAlwaysAllowedappswillbeavailablebetween ...,IhaveChromeonmyMacBookPro(DownloadedstraightfromGoogl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Google chrome showing up in screen time, but I don't have ...

How does google chrome is showing up in screen time when I don't even have it in my phone.

How do I restrict Chrome with Screen Time?

You can set the downtime limit to be say 11pm-7am (or whenever you wake up). That way only the Always Allowed apps will be available between ...

I checked, and it was the official Chrome app by Google LLC. Why ...

I have Chrome on my MacBook Pro (Downloaded straight from Google) and under screen time on my iPhone, it shows it listed as Productivity and ...

Manage your child's screen time

You can set your child's Android device or Chromebook to lock after they've used it for a certain amount of time or when you think they need downtime.

Screen Time - Chromebook Community

The closest you might get to 'Screen Time' on a Chromebook is to use the Linux ' uptime ' command to display uptime/load info.

Screen Time not blockingaffecting Chrome after iOs 14 update

After the new update the Screen Time doesn't block or limit Chrome. In fact Chrome doesn't even show up in the Always Allowed section as an option.


The extension allows you to control how much time you spend on popular social media sites and entertainment sites. You can specify how many minutes in a day you ...

Screentime and Google Chrome

The Screen Time rules work successfully to block access to the apps and websites, but he has found a workaround using the Shortcuts app. By ...


HowdoesgooglechromeisshowingupinscreentimewhenIdon'tevenhaveitinmyphone.,Youcansetthedowntimelimittobesay11pm-7am(orwheneveryouwakeup).ThatwayonlytheAlwaysAllowedappswillbeavailablebetween ...,IhaveChromeonmyMacBookPro(DownloadedstraightfromGoogle)andunderscreentimeonmyiPhone,itshowsitlistedasProductivityand ...,Youcansetyourchild'sAndroiddeviceorChromebooktolockafterthey'veuseditforacertainam...