How to Check DirectX Version in Windows 11?



How do you Fix DXError.log and DirectX.log at installation of

I got an error of 'An internal system error occured. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log' in your Windows folder to determine problem'.


DXError.log和DirectX.log · 我電腦的系統一開始是顯示 · 但是現在又顯示 · 現在很多程式都無法開啟 · 本來要下載新的 · 跑出很多東西 · 請幫我看看是哪邊有問題 · ------- ...

遺失d3dx9_43.dll和DXError.log 和DirectX.log 以找出問題所在 ...

結果試了一下又出現發生內部系統錯誤請參閱您WINDOWS 資料夾裡的DXError.log 和DirectX.log 以找出問題所在. 後來搞了快兩個小時才終於排除Orz.

Why is there no DirectX.log installation log?

On my own PC, I can find DirectX.log (in -Windows-Logs), but the latest date in the file is two months ago, and does not reflect recent activity ...

DirectX Runtime Installation Issue

I got a message stating that the Direct X Runtime installation was missing. To solve this problem I downloaded the suite from Microsoft but unfortunately it ...

DirectX Installation Issue (DXError.log, DirectX.log)

I am issuing this problem when i try to install DirectX (i cant play GTA San Andreas because of missing DirectX i think so) (I downloaded win 11 from official ...

DirectX Problem : rtechsupport

The logs. There seems to be a logs folder within the Windows folder, which seems to contain the log files in question. Logs under C:-Windows- ...

How to Fix Dxerror.Log and Directx.Log

How to Fix Dxerror.Log and Directx.Log |Installing DirectX Problem. Issues addressed in this tutorial: Link used: ...

Dxerror log and Directx log Error in Windows 10 11 Fixed

How to Fix Dxerror log and Directx log Error in Windows 10 / 11 #directx #windows10error #windows11error DISM /Online /Enable-Feature ...


Igotanerrorof'Aninternalsystemerroroccured.PleaserefertoDXError.logandDirectX.log'inyourWindowsfoldertodetermineproblem'.,DXError.log和DirectX.log·我電腦的系統一開始是顯示·但是現在又顯示·現在很多程式都無法開啟·本來要下載新的·跑出很多東西·請幫我看看是哪邊有問題·------- ...,結果試了一下又出現發生內部系統錯誤請參閱您WINDOWS資料夾裡的DXError.log和DirectX.log以找出問題所在.後來搞了快兩個小時才終於...