Latest news bulletin | February 26th

Euronews(stylisedinlowercase)isapan-Europeantelevisionnewsnetwork,headquarteredinLyon,France.Itisaprovideroflivestreamednews, ...,EuronewsisEurope'sleadinginternationalnewschannel,providingglobal,multilingual&independentnewswithaEuropeanperspecti...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Euronews (stylised in lowercase) is a pan-European television news network, headquartered in Lyon, France. It is a provider of livestreamed news, ...

About us

Euronews is Europe's leading international news channel, providing global, multilingual & independent news with a European perspective, available in 17 ...

NBC Sells 25% Stake in Broadcaster EuroNews

NBC has proceeded to sell its 25% stake in EuroNews, the pay-TV group headquartered in France, Variety has confirmed.

A town square for Europe - Euronews NBC

Deborah Turness reveals how she is harnessing new tech, platforms and formats to bring Euronews into the heart of the story. Learn more!

Future of Golden Globe Awards in doubt as NBC decides not to air it ...

Following controversy over lack of diversity the Golden Globe Awards won't be aired by major TV network NBC in 2022.

Video. When are we truly dead? | NBC Left Field

Video. This report looks at the debate around what it means to be dead and who gets to decide.

NBC News adds 200 jobs in streaming, digital push

NBCU News Group, part of NBCUniversal, is expanding its streaming and digital operations, adding 200 new jobs and several new hours of live, ...

NBC sells stake in Euronews as focus shifts to new global TV channel

NBC News has sold its stake in struggling broadcaster Euronews, paving the way for owner Comcast to unite its transatlantic brands under the ...

Breaking News, Photos & Videos on Europe

Find the latest Europe news stories, photos, and videos on Read breaking headlines from Europe covering politics, economics, culture, and more.

NBC sells stake in Euronews

U.S. network NBC News has sold its stake in the broadcaster Euronews, according to an email sent to Euronews staff and seen by POLITICO.


Euronews(stylisedinlowercase)isapan-Europeantelevisionnewsnetwork,headquarteredinLyon,France.Itisaprovideroflivestreamednews, ...,EuronewsisEurope'sleadinginternationalnewschannel,providingglobal,multilingual&independentnewswithaEuropeanperspective,availablein17 ...,NBChasproceededtosellits25%stakeinEuroNews,thepay-TVgroupheadquarteredinFrance,Varietyhasconfirmed.,DeborahTurnessrevealshows...
