Huntdown - Launch Trailer

Huntdowneverythingfromferalpunkstoorganizedhockeyhooligans,thisgameisriddledwith16-bitbadguysandcrimebosses,eachwiththeirownstomping ...,Huntdown是一款轟動一時的動作喜劇平台遊戲,可針對四個致命團伙和眾多犯罪頭目提供快速的戰略2D戰鬥。在EasyTrigger...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Huntdown everything from feral punks to organized hockey hooligans, this game is riddled with 16-bit bad guys and crime bosses, each with their own stomping ...

Huntdown: Cyberpunk Adventure

Huntdown是一款轟動一時的動作喜劇平台遊戲,可針對四個致命團伙和眾多犯罪頭目提供快速的戰略2D戰鬥。在Easy Trigger和Coffee Stain Publishing進行的這場暴亂的冒險中, ...


In the mayhem-filled streets of the future where criminal gangs rule and cops fear to tread, only the bounty hunters can free the city from the corrupt fist ...


In the mayhem-filled streets of the future where criminal gangs rule and cops fear to tread, only the bounty hunters can free the city from the corrupt fist ...

hunt down

vt. 追捕; 追殺;尋找. 牛津中文字典. hunt down.

Huntdown for Nintendo Switch

In the mayhem-filled streets of the future where criminal gangs rule and cops fear to tread, only the bounty hunters can free the city from the corrupt fist ...

Huntdown (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文)

在未來,混亂的街道上盤據著警察無力干涉的犯罪集團;只有賞金獵人才能把這座城市從嚴重的腐敗中解放出來。在這個無情的動作喜劇街機射擊遊戲中,徹底搗毀黑社會並大賺 ...


Huntdown. Coffee Stain Publishing AB•動作與冒險•平台遊戲•射擊. NT$679.00. 購買. 新增至購物車. ○ ○ ○. 適合15 歲(含) 以上. 輔導級15 歲.


Huntdowneverythingfromferalpunkstoorganizedhockeyhooligans,thisgameisriddledwith16-bitbadguysandcrimebosses,eachwiththeirownstomping ...,Huntdown是一款轟動一時的動作喜劇平台遊戲,可針對四個致命團伙和眾多犯罪頭目提供快速的戰略2D戰鬥。在EasyTrigger和CoffeeStainPublishing進行的這場暴亂的冒險中, ...,Inthemayhem-filledstreetsofthefuturewherecriminalgangsruleandcopsfeartotread,onlythebountyhuntersc...