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在App Store 上的「Koofr」

評分 4.0 (3) · 免費 · iOS 簡介. Koofr offers 10 GB of free safe EU based storage for your files with options to connect multiple cloud accounts - One storage for all.

Koofr on the App Store

評分 3.7 (23) · 免費 · iOS Koofr offers 10 GB of free safe EU based storage for your files with options to connect multiple cloud accounts - One storage for all.


Koofr is a safe and reliable European cloud storage that respects your privacy. Save and access files from any device. Automatically backup files from your ... Plans and pricing · Desktop Apps · Features · Mobile Apps


Discover affordable cloud storage packages from Koofr, which offer you up to 20 TB of space, connectivity with other cloud services, security without ...


Koofr features: less limits, more fun! Koofr is more than just saving and accessing files - it offers tools for productivity, file organization, and online ...

Desktop Apps

Download the Koofr desktop app and access your cloud storage from any device. Sync your files, work online, and share securely with Koofr.

Koofr: The Cloud Storage

評分 4.2 (967) · 免費 · Android · Koofr 提供基於歐盟的安全雲端存儲,具有10GB 終身免費雲端儲存空間,以及連接其他雲端儲存供應商和您的個人儲存的選項。探索更好的方式來儲存、存取和 ...

Koofr Cloud Storage: Lifetime Subscription (1TB)

$6,000.00 保固種類. 原廠保固 ; 軟體種類. Cloud Storage ; 處理系統. Android, iOS, Windows, Mac ; 保固期限. Lifetime ; 出貨地. 臺中市清水區.

