
TheLaZagneprojectisanopensourceapplicationusedtoretrievelotsofpasswordsstoredonalocalcomputer.Eachsoftwarestoresitspasswordsusing ...,DownloadLaZagne2.4.6-Quicklyretrieveforgottenorlostpasswordsfromthemostpopularwebbrowsers,emailclientsandevenyou...

Home-Grown Red Team

2022年3月31日—Lazagneisagreatredteamingtoolbecauseofthesheervolumeofpasswordsitcandump.Atthetimeofwritingthisarticle,lazagnehasthe ...

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The LaZagne project is an open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer. Each software stores its passwords using ...

Download LaZagne

Download LaZagne 2.4.6 - Quickly retrieve forgotten or lost passwords from the most popular web browsers, email clients and even your computer's system with ...

Extract Passwords & Other User Credentials with LaZagne

2023年12月3日 — LaZagne is an open-source recovery tool used for extracting passwords from various software and operating systems. It can be run on Windows, ...

Home-Grown Red Team

2022年3月31日 — Lazagne is a great red teaming tool because of the sheer volume of passwords it can dump. At the time of writing this article, lazagne has the ...

LaZagne (Malware Family)

The author described LaZagne as an open source project used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer. It has been developed for the purpose ...

LaZagne — 一键抓取目标机器上的所有明文密码

2019年10月15日 — LaZagne 是用于获取存储在本地计算机上的大量密码的开源应用程序。 每个软件都使用不同的技术(纯文本、API、自定义算法、数据库等)存储其密码。

LaZagne, Software S0349

LaZagne is a post-exploitation, open-source tool used to recover stored passwords on a system. It has modules for Windows, Linux, and OSX, but is mainly ...

Releases · AlessandroZLaZagne

2023年2月22日 — LaZagne v2.3.2 is out · Big code review · Lots of minor bug fixed · If windows user found => domain passwords retrieved from credentials files ...

Retrieve All Passwords With LaZagne Project

2023年10月10日 — The LaZagne project is an open-source credentials recovery tool used for extracting passwords from various software and operating systems. It ...


2017年7月9日 — 本文介绍了使用python编写LaZagne扩展脚本的方法,实现了导出360极速浏览器的用户密码。针对不同的软件,使用LaZagne定制脚本导出密码无疑是一个十分高效 ...


TheLaZagneprojectisanopensourceapplicationusedtoretrievelotsofpasswordsstoredonalocalcomputer.Eachsoftwarestoresitspasswordsusing ...,DownloadLaZagne2.4.6-Quicklyretrieveforgottenorlostpasswordsfromthemostpopularwebbrowsers,emailclientsandevenyourcomputer'ssystemwith ...,2023年12月3日—LaZagneisanopen-sourcerecoverytoolusedforextractingpasswordsfromvarioussoftwareandoperatingsystems.Itcanberuno...