PleasefindenclosedmyNovabenchscore.TheCPUscoreisterrible.CanyoutellmeifthereisaproblemwithitordoIhavetochangesomebiossettings?,ThatCPUhasa3.2ghzturbofrequency,itmaybethatduetoBIOSorWindowsperformancesettingsitisnotreachingthat.CheckBIOSandpower ....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Novabench Score

Please find enclosed my Novabench score. The CPU score is terrible. Can you tell me if there is a problem with it or do I have to change some bios settings?

Another New laptop scoring dismally low on novabench. at wits end ...

That CPU has a 3.2ghz turbo frequency, it may be that due to BIOS or Windows performance settings it is not reaching that. Check BIOS and power ...


CPU Tests (Score: 420) - Floating Point Operations/Second: 102304200 ... Hardware Tests (Score: 0) - Primary Partition Capacity: 222 GB

Why is my Novabench Score so low??

I would suspect a settings error. Or possibly the cooler is not on correctly and the CPU is throttling at high temps. Run prime95 Version 26.6 ...

Novabench CPU Benchmarks

Compare top performing processors by Novabench CPU benchmark scores. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X · Intel Core i7-13700F · Intel Core i7-14700F

Benchmark Result

CPU Score. 0. AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D. Clock Speed ; GPU Score. 0. AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX. Workload. Direct3D 11 ; Memory Score. 0. 32GB DDR5 ...

Test Failures

The CPU test failing to produce a result is very rare. If this test fails, it could be due to overheating or an unstable overclock. Ensure your CPU cooling is ...

Benchmark Result

303 Novabench score with AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS CPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU GPU.

is your computer fast enough? your Novabench score

You can download an app to your computer to measure it's performance it's safe https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/novabench/id411466132?mt=12

Novabench CPU score went down for 1000 pts

Does anyone have any idea why my CPU score went down for more then 1000 points? Nothing much has changed during my daily usage.


PleasefindenclosedmyNovabenchscore.TheCPUscoreisterrible.CanyoutellmeifthereisaproblemwithitordoIhavetochangesomebiossettings?,ThatCPUhasa3.2ghzturbofrequency,itmaybethatduetoBIOSorWindowsperformancesettingsitisnotreachingthat.CheckBIOSandpower ...,CPUTests(Score:420)-FloatingPointOperations/Second:102304200...HardwareTests(Score:0)-PrimaryPartitionCapacity:222GB,Iwouldsuspectasettingserror.Or...
