Pointer Focus FULL with LICENSED 100% Working

PointerFocus1.6汉化中文版是一款非常不错的教学软件。我们可以使我们的鼠标变成非常专业的教鞭工具…标签:PointerFocusPortablePointerFocus汉化中文版PointerFocus ...,2018年12月31日—一款實用的小工具-PointerFocus運用在演講、簡報、數位教學與影音教學錄製網...。參考影片的文章的如下:


PointerFocus 绿色中文版

PointerFocus 1.6 汉化中文版是一款非常不错的教学软件。我们可以使我们的鼠标变成非常专业的教鞭工具… 标签:PointerFocus PortablePointerFocus 汉化中文版PointerFocus ...

一款實用的工具-PointerFocus演講、簡報、數位教學與影音 ...

2018年12月31日 — 一款實用的小工具- PointerFocus運用在演講、簡報、數位教學與影音教學錄製網址:http://www.pointerfocus.com/ 下載點:http://www.pointerf.

下載PointerFocus 2.4

PointerFocus具有使屏幕變暗並突出顯示鼠標光標周圍的小區域的功能。 PointerFocus允許您將指針轉換為具有指定顏色和鉛筆寬度的屏幕上的繪圖工具。該軟件可以縮放光標周圍 ...

PointerFocus 2.4

2023年11月29日 — PointerFocus - download the latest version for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit and 64-bit). Draws attention to the mouse cursor through ...

Download PointerFocus 1.5

2018年4月12日 — PointerFocus is a handy toolbox for presenters, trainers and demo makers. The application offers some easy-to-use functions such as highlight ...

PointerStick 6.37 免安裝中文版

2024年3月28日 — 關鍵字:PointerStickPortable, pointer stick PointerStick is a portable tool that presents on the Windows Desktop a virtual pointer stick ...

Mouse Pointer Highlight and Spotlight

What's PointerFocus? PointerFocus is a handy Windows application designed for presenters, trainers and teachers who want to highlight their mouse pointer.

PointerFocus Beta

PointerFocus contains NO Adware, NO Spyware, NO Viruses. Your Browser or Windows SmartScreen may warn you like this pointerfocus25.zip is not commonly ...

Download PointerFocus

Pointer Focus is a software application that enables people to draw attention to their cursor and display their keystrokes on the desktop.


PointerFocus1.6汉化中文版是一款非常不错的教学软件。我们可以使我们的鼠标变成非常专业的教鞭工具…标签:PointerFocusPortablePointerFocus汉化中文版PointerFocus ...,2018年12月31日—一款實用的小工具-PointerFocus運用在演講、簡報、數位教學與影音教學錄製網址:http://www.pointerfocus.com/下載點:http://www.pointerf.,PointerFocus具有使屏幕變暗並突出顯示鼠標光標周圍的小區域的功能。PointerFocus允許您將指針轉...