The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep by: Carl



Does this book really send children to sleep in minutes? We test it out

The bestselling The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep is said to make bedtime a cinch – but does it? Our testers reveal all.

The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep A New Way of Getting ...

評分 3.7 (6,136) In The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep you will follow Roger The Rabbit when he gets help from Uncle Yawn and other friends to fall asleep in the evening.

The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep

評分 3.5 (2,243) The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep will help you accomplish the task of getting your child to have its beauty sleep and sleep well all night.

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep

The book is intended as a form of sleep induction. It uses standard hypnosis techniques to get children to relax.

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep is surely the stuff of nightmares

Devised by Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin, a Swedish psychologist, The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep deploys carefully researched techniques – ...

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep Book Review

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep, written by Swedish psychologist Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin was published this year and has become an amazon.

博客來-The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep

書名:The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep: A New Way of Getting Children to Sleep,語言:英文,ISBN:9780399554131,頁數:32,作者:Ehrlin, Carl-Johan Forssén/ ...

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep by Carl

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep by Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin 20 min of listening to the audio and my little one was fast a sleep.

Letter of Recommendation

Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin's book makes explicit the hypnotic intentions most bedtime stories and lullabies keep hidden.



在家一直喊無聊、會吹泡泡、好想睡覺的小兔子、每天複習發生事情、起床氣如此大、立體六面拼圖、我今天喜歡打雷的聲音、假裝打電話、閉眼五秒可充電 2Y7M30D-2Y8M6D

在家一直喊無聊、會吹泡泡、好想睡覺的小兔子、每天複習發生事情、起床氣如此大、立體六面拼圖、我今天喜歡打雷的聲音、假裝打電話、閉眼五秒可充電 2Y7M30D-2Y8M6D
