
RUN VR - APK Download for Android

評分 3.7 (7) · 免費 · Android RUN VR is a non-stop, thrilling virtual reality adventure! RUN VR takes you on a journey through the world of skyscrapers among the clouds.

Run Infinite

The world's first 360°VR trails, 14er route descriptions, running and ultramarathon training plans, coaching, and more. #StaySendy.

City Run VR - Run, Jog and Train in VR

Made the locomotion system even more realistic and responsive both when you run and when you walk. Improved the navigation system of the various game elements.

VR Run on Steam

Run into a virtual world just by running in place. Two game modes. Free run: Where you can run wherever you want. Follow mode: You have to follow your partner.

VR Run

A Run In Place VR Game where you can run in virtual worlds. Track your distance and time.


Omni One is the ultimate VR gaming system that provides unmatched immersion and complete freedom of movement. Walk, run, crouch, and jump in a full-body ... Omni One Core Built for PC VR · Omni One · Games · Omni Arena - for players

【 ‍♂️VR慢跑VR running】... - Kirin's VR World

嘗試了一下之前看別人介紹的Youtube影片慢跑整個非 常不錯 可以選喜歡的景色然後隨時開跑,雖然沒有360度但是 畫質很好,螢幕放大一點其實一樣很有感覺。

Meta Quest 的Run | Quest VR 遊戲

評分 3.9 (26) 雖然遊戲可能無法提供你想要透過跑步燃燒卡路里的動力,但你仍然可以透過融入一些好的深蹲或在交叉訓練器上使用遊戲來獲得一個很棒的鍛煉。 甚至可以在設定中調整敏感度, ...

Meta Quest 的Factory Run VR | Quest VR 遊戲

評分 4.3 (8) 想要爆汗、健身健身、邊做邊玩樂的人必備! 這款遊戲將健身變成一場冒險旅程,在站在輸送帶上時,它充滿活力的跳躍、跳繩、編織和拳擊。 誰知道燃燒卡路里可以這麼有趣? 我在 ...

突破VR 位移限制!電動「跑步鞋」要顛覆遊戲世界!

目前版本的Freeaim VR 鞋,不僅可以支援向前行走(或慢跑)、原地轉身,還可以左右橫跨一到兩步。未來版本的鞋子將加入後退步行以及無限側移的功能,讓玩家在VR ...

