50 Female Vocal Jazz Hits [Smooth Jazz, Female Vocal]

從Vocal演進與現況談VocalJazz在爵士音樂的世界中,與合唱團有直接相關的就是所謂的人聲爵士(VocalJazz)。從美國早期黑人奴隸的工作歌(worksong)發展到現在,人聲 ...,Vocaljazzorjazzsingingisagenrewithinjazzmusicwherethevoiceisusedasaninstrument.Vocalja...。參考影片的文章的如下:


從Vocal演進與現況談Vocal Jazz - 朱元雷人聲專區

從Vocal演進與現況談Vocal Jazz 在爵士音樂的世界中,與合唱團有直接相關的就是所謂的人聲爵士(Vocal Jazz)。從美國早期黑人奴隸的工作歌(work song)發展到現在,人聲 ...

Vocal jazz

Vocal jazz or jazz singing is a genre within jazz music where the voice is used as an instrument. Vocal jazz began in the early twentieth century.

Vocal Jazz

You've Changed. Kandace Springs ; Meet Me in Paris. Emmaline, Scott Mulvahill ; Never Say Yes. Maria Kim ; Save Your Love For Me. Emma Smith ; Stairway to the Stars.

Vocal Jazz - Music genre

Focused on vocals, generally using a more traditional, poppy strong structure and reducing the role of improvisation.

V.A. The Perfect Vocal Jazz Collection (16CD)

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V.A. - Kings Of Vocal Jazz , 合輯 爵士男神(5CD)

已售完 ... ☆ 10 張聽出耳油的超級名盤,代表10位爵士樂史上最受歡迎的演唱天王. ☆ 收錄〈My Funny Valentine〉、〈Day O (Banana Boat Song)〉、〈Stella by ...

Smooth Vocals Music

Here we give you only the best in smooth vocal jazz, featuring stunning human voices mixed perfectly with creative jazz compositions.

Manhattan Jazz Quartett - Vocal Jazz Classics

Manhattan Jazz Quartett Ft. Debby Davis - Vocal Jazz Classics New York Lounge Jazz Download/Stream here: https://lnk.to/NewYorkLoungeJazz ...

Greatest Vocal Jazz Songs [Vocal Jazz, Smooth Jazz]

Greatest Vocal Jazz Songs [Vocal Jazz, Smooth Jazz] Subscribe www.youtube.com/@PLAYaudioTheSmoothJazzChannel Recent Video ...

100 Songs of Smooth Vocal Jazz

More than 6 and half hours ofgreat Smooth Jazz interpreted by the Diva of the genre Denise King. Let yourself be lulled by the magic of ...


從Vocal演進與現況談VocalJazz在爵士音樂的世界中,與合唱團有直接相關的就是所謂的人聲爵士(VocalJazz)。從美國早期黑人奴隸的工作歌(worksong)發展到現在,人聲 ...,Vocaljazzorjazzsingingisagenrewithinjazzmusicwherethevoiceisusedasaninstrument.Vocaljazzbeganintheearlytwentiethcentury.,You'veChanged.KandaceSprings;MeetMeinParis.Emmaline,ScottMulvahill;NeverSayYes.MariaKim;SaveYourLoveForMe.EmmaSmith...