
WordSifthelpsanyoneeasilysiftthroughtexts--justcutandpasteanytextintoWordSiftandyoucanengageinaverbalquick-capture!Theprogramhelpsto ...,WordSiftisafree,web-basedtooldesignedtohelpteachersmanagethedemandsofvocabularyandacademiclanguageintheirtextmaterials.Itcanhelp ...,WordSifthelpsanyoneeasilysiftthroughtexts--justcopyandpasteanytextintoWordSiftandyoucanengageinaverbalquick-capture!,Toolsuite...

About WordSift

WordSift helps anyone easily sift through texts -- just cut and paste any text into WordSift and you can engage in a verbal quick-capture! The program helps to ...

Supporting Text Comprehension and Vocabulary ...

WordSift is a free, web-based tool designed to help teachers manage the demands of vocabulary and academic language in their text materials. It can help ...


WordSift helps anyone easily sift through texts -- just copy and paste any text into WordSift and you can engage in a verbal quick-capture!


Toolsuite for visualizing and exploring passages of text.

WordSift: A free web

WordSift: A free web-based vocabulary tool designed to help science teachers in integrating interactive literacy activities · Abstract · No full-text available.


由 CK Hakuta 著作 · 被引用 3 次 — Unlike other word cloud generating tools such as Wordle (Feinbert, 2014) and TagCrowd (Steinbock, 2006), WordSift (Hakuta & Wiles, 2001) combines several ...


由 K Hu 著作 · 被引用 3 次 — Abstract. High frequency words, which are key to a text, must be mastered to achieve minimum levels of reading proficiency. However, knowledge about the ...


2022年3月23日 — 高频词是文本的关键,必须掌握以达到最低水平的阅读能力。然而,关于一种语言中项目出现频率的知识非常有限。有鉴于此,WordSift(www.wordsift.org)是一 ...

「WordSift」線上一鍵產生有特色的文字雲,可自定角度、配色 ...

2017年4月15日 — 點一下隨即就套用,當不滿意的話,還可透過右上的「齒輪」圖示,開啟面板再手動微調,文字雲的角度、字型,以及色彩組合。