WordSift.org Tutorial

Whenuserspasteatextintothebox,WordSiftwillsiftitquicklyandgenerateawordcloudwhichvisualizesthe50mostfrequentwordsfrom ...,Wordsiftisafreeonlinetoolwhereteachersand/orstudentscopytextandputrelevantvocabularywordsintoawordcloud.,WordSiftisaversatil...。參考影片的文章的如下:



When users paste a text into the box, WordSift will sift it quickly and generate a word cloud which visualizes the 50 most frequent words from ...

Sifting Key Words - 5th Grade

Wordsift is a free online tool where teachers and/or students copy text and put relevant vocabulary words into a word cloud.

WordSift: Having Fun with Learning Words - TESL

WordSift is a versatile tool that can easily fit into any lesson plans featuring explicit vocabulary instruction. It enables students to ...


Toolsuite for visualizing and exploring passages of text. Word Lists · Features · About · Tips

Word Lists

Toolsuite for visualizing and exploring passages of text.

WordSift is a free tool that helps... - Jan's File Cabinet

WordSift is a free tool that helps teachers and students analyze texts. Paste any text into the tool and receive the following information: word ...




WordSift helps anyone easily sift through texts -- just copy and paste any text into WordSift and you can engage in a verbal quick-capture!

The Secrets of Wordsift: How to Teach Vocabulary and ...

12:33 Go to channel Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners Through Brain-Based Teaching Strategies by Setenay Çelik ELT Ireland•1.7M views


Whenuserspasteatextintothebox,WordSiftwillsiftitquicklyandgenerateawordcloudwhichvisualizesthe50mostfrequentwordsfrom ...,Wordsiftisafreeonlinetoolwhereteachersand/orstudentscopytextandputrelevantvocabularywordsintoawordcloud.,WordSiftisaversatiletoolthatcaneasilyfitintoanylessonplansfeaturingexplicitvocabularyinstruction.Itenablesstudentsto ...,Toolsuiteforvisualizingandexploringpassagesoftex...