
Restore old Right

Right-click the Start button and choose Windows Terminal. · Copy the command from below, paste it into Windows Terminal Window, and press enter.

Windows Right-Click Menu in File Explorer

Your best bet is to install Custom Context Menu. Then you can add your own custom items, albeit in a flyout menu.

Adding right

To add a context menu item when right-clicking on a folder, add a new key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Classes-Directory-shell or HKEY_CURRENT_USER- ...

How add context menu item to Windows Explorer for folders [closed]

I have found out how to add right-click context menu items to files on Windows Explorer, by adding keys to the registry.

c# - Adding a right click menu to an item

Create a mouse down event for the item in question and then assign a right click event for it like so (I have called the ContextMenuStrip rightClickMenuStrip).

Can I add right-click options in Google Chrome?

Here's an extension that uses the Context Menus API to add options to the right click menu for selected text and lets you define your own ...

Does anyone know how to change the right click menu?

Here shows how to do it, just copy paste the code into cmd, press enter, then open task manager and restart windows explorer. Problem solved!

need to modify the right click menu

You can pretty much customise [ add / remove ] the right-click menu to your personal liking. Search the Forum Tutorials for the instructions and methods ...

How to Add Custom Shortcuts to the Windows 11 or 10 Context Menu

Follow the steps below to add an application shortcut to the Windows 11 or 10 context menu you get when you right click on the desktop or on a folder.

How to Add New Options to the Right Click Menu in Windows

Navigate to the “ContextMenuHandlers” folder. This folder contains all of the applications, shortcuts and other options that are present in your right-click ...


Right-clicktheStartbuttonandchooseWindowsTerminal.·Copythecommandfrombelow,pasteitintoWindowsTerminalWindow,andpressenter.,YourbestbetistoinstallCustomContextMenu.Thenyoucanaddyourowncustomitems,albeitinaflyoutmenu.,Toaddacontextmenuitemwhenright-clickingonafolder,addanewkeyunderHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Classes-Directory-shellorHKEY_CURRENT_USER- ...,Ihavefoundouthowtoaddright-clickcontextm...