Android App Review

Veryfastandmakeseverythingseemtobemuchmoreresponsive.Alsoitgroupsallofyourappsforyouincategorizedfoldersbywhatitthinks ...,InstallingitonanHTCOnewehadlyingaround,weinstantlyfoundthatthedevicebecamemuchsnappierandresponsive.TheUIisquitesimilar ......。參考影片的文章的如下:


Apus launcher

Very fast and makes everything seem to be much more responsive. Also it groups all of your apps for you in categorized folders by what it thinks ...

Review: APUS Launcher

Installing it on an HTC One we had lying around, we instantly found that the device became much snappier and responsive. The UI is quite similar ...

APUS Launcher Review : Lightweight and fast

APUS System is lighting fast. In fact, this is one of the fastest launchers that I ever used. To make it even faster, you can switch to classic ...

APUS Launcher Pro

評分 4.4 (26,930) · 免費 · Android Hello! We really appreciate your 5-star review! Apus Launcher Pro brings you a brand new home screen with stylish Themes and kind of Wallpapers, including live ...

Is Apus launcher a good app?

As a user of APUS launcher, i personally think this is a cool system. I use it usually to download a lot of themes and wallpapers because i change them very ...

Apus Launcher

評分 2.8 (34) · 免費 This is a very usable launcher, and probably a worthwhile switch if you don't like your default one and there's no other choice. However, there are far superior ...

How safe and private is the APUS for Android phones?

It's a launcher, but I don't particularly care for it, I use Nova. As for safety, it should be as safe as any other app on Play.

APUS Launcher Review: 7 Best features you must know ...

APUS Launcher Review - Best Launcher of 2016 APUS SYSTEM: 7 Best features of APUS Launcher you must know! APUS Launcher review includes ...

APUS System

評分 4.2 (5,862,519) · 免費 · Android As one Android launcher on Google Play, APUS launcher is and good choice for you. APUS Launcher, fast, small, stylish, smart and efficient, provides wallpapers.

APUS Launcher Gets a damn Good Makeover

APUS Launcher get's a serious makeover that makes it the lightest and fastest launcher among all the Android launchers.


Veryfastandmakeseverythingseemtobemuchmoreresponsive.Alsoitgroupsallofyourappsforyouincategorizedfoldersbywhatitthinks ...,InstallingitonanHTCOnewehadlyingaround,weinstantlyfoundthatthedevicebecamemuchsnappierandresponsive.TheUIisquitesimilar ...,APUSSystemislightingfast.Infact,thisisoneofthefastestlaunchersthatIeverused.Tomakeitevenfaster,youcanswitchtoclassic ...,評分4.4(26,930)·免費·Android...