
Arch Linux

You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple. Currently we have official packages ...

Arch Linux

If you are an existing Arch user, there is no need to download a new ISO to update your existing system. You may be looking for an updated mirrorlist instead.

Arch Linux 32

Download · Arch Linux Official. A simple, lightweight distribution for 32-bit CPUs. You've reached the website for Arch Linux 32, the community maintained ...

Arch Linux Download Free

2024年6月3日 — Download Arch Linux - Arch Linux is an independently developed, i686/x86-64 general purpose GNU/Linux distribution versatile enough to suit ...

Arch linux 安裝

Arch linux 安裝. 以下簡單敘述自己安裝arch的過程,以及踩到的一些坑~ 希望對於新手安裝有幫助. 1.下載Arch iso檔案. 1.首先可以到交大下載iso映像檔.


Downloads. Updating/upgrading to the latest Arch Linux ARM release. Since Arch Linux ARM is a rolling distribution, you never need to download new releases ...

Installation guide

2024年5月24日 — This document is a guide for installing Arch Linux using the live system booted from an installation medium made from an official ...

Installation guide - ArchWiki

2024年5月24日 — Visit the Download page and, depending on how you want to boot, acquire the ISO file or a netboot image, and the respective GnuPG signature.


您可參考VirtualBox 使用手冊或是ArchWiki 上的介紹取得更多安裝指示和操作說明。 取得Arch Linux. 下載. 請至Arch Linux 官方網站下載頁面取得光碟映像檔(ISO file)。網頁 ...


You'vereachedthewebsiteforArchLinux,alightweightandflexibleLinux®distributionthattriestoKeepItSimple.Currentlywehaveofficialpackages ...,IfyouareanexistingArchuser,thereisnoneedtodownloadanewISOtoupdateyourexistingsystem.Youmaybelookingforanupdatedmirrorlistinstead.,Download·ArchLinuxOfficial.Asimple,lightweightdistributionfor32-bitCPUs.You'vereachedthewebsiteforArchLinux32,thecommunitymaintai...

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