Build AR apps in Android Studio using Sceneform SDK (ARCore)

ARCore是由Google開發的擴增實境SDK,使開發人員能夠為Android設備創建AR體驗。通過ARCore,開發人員可以創建錨定到現實世界物體和表面的AR應用,為用戶提供身臨其境 ...,ThisSDKprovidesAPIsforalloftheessentialARfeatureslikemotiontracking,environmentalunders...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Google ARCore 和AR Code技術

ARCore 是由Google 開發的擴增實境SDK,使開發人員能夠為Android 設備創建AR 體驗。通過ARCore,開發人員可以創建錨定到現實世界物體和表面的AR 應用,為用戶提供身臨其境 ...

ARCore SDK for Android

This SDK provides APIs for all of the essential AR features like motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation. With these capabilities you ...

ARCore 錄製和播放API 簡介

1. 簡介; 在電腦上偵錯及測試新功能 · 2. 設定開發環境; 下載ARCore Android SDK · 3. 以MP4 檔案格式錄製ARCore 工作階段; 新增記錄按鈕的UI · 4. 播放MP4 ...

What's under the hood in ARCore

ARCore SDK for Unreal Engine · Official documentation. Debugging ... ARCore SDK for Unreal Engine. Hit-test. Introduction. Android (Kotlin ...


ARCore is Google's augmented reality SDK offering cross-platform APIs to build new immersive experiences on Android, iOS, Unity, and Web. ARCore SDK for Unity · ARCore SDK for Unreal Engine · ARCore Partners · WebXR

SDK Downloads | ARCore

Download the SDKs, find documentation and GitHub repos, and download the Google Play Services for AR service for testing.

ARCore SDK for Android Studio

ARCore SDK for Android ... This SDK provides APIs for all of the essential AR features like motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation.

Releases · google-ararcore-android-sdk

ARCore SDK for Android v1.45.0 New APIs and capabilities Flash Mode ARCore now supports enabling the device's torch mode, allowing for better perception ...

ARCore專案-HelloAR. 前言… | by Chris Jhuang

這裡使用ARCore SDK for Unity v1.12.0 版本,目前最新版本為2020年1月v1.15.0,不過為什麼不用最新版本,因為通常最新版本都會有些許問題存在,因此暫且使用 ...

認識Google-ARCore - by Chris Jhuang

ARCore是Google提供擴增實境的平台。透過使用不同的API,ARCore讓智慧型手機能夠感知目前的環境,認識世界並進行資訊交流與互動。大多數的API ...


ARCore是由Google開發的擴增實境SDK,使開發人員能夠為Android設備創建AR體驗。通過ARCore,開發人員可以創建錨定到現實世界物體和表面的AR應用,為用戶提供身臨其境 ...,ThisSDKprovidesAPIsforalloftheessentialARfeatureslikemotiontracking,environmentalunderstanding,andlightestimation.Withthesecapabilitiesyou ...,1.簡介;在電腦上偵錯及測試新功能·2.設定開發環境;下載ARCoreAndroidSDK·3.以MP4檔案格式錄製ARCore...