

The combination of light weight and strong materials, three wheel stability and a compact folding system make this bike shine. CARRYALL easily fits in the trunk ...

CarryAll Foldable Tricycle For Non

The CarryAll is a compact foldable tricycle with three wheels, designed for active seniors, people who do not know how to cycle or cannot balance on two ...

CarryAll Foldable Tricycle in Slate Grey

CarryAll Foldable Tricycle in Slate Grey ; Rider Height 145 – 185cm ; Max Load 100kg incl. rider & luggage ; Mighty Velo. Specialty online store for Pacific ...

CarryAll Tricycle (Slate Grey)

As the CarryAll is a one speed bike, cycling speed is controlled and safe. Slate Grey has proven to be a cool favourite with the young and the old.

CarryAll Tricycle (three wheels)

The CarryAll tricycle can be folded under 20 seconds and rolled as a walking support for the elderly. It can be stored in a car boot to go cycling at East Coast ...

Carryall Trunk

The Carryall Trunk is a water-resistant storage compartment for the Tern Short Haul cargo bike. Stash ride essentials and keep contents conveniently hidden.


Thecombinationoflightweightandstrongmaterials,threewheelstabilityandacompactfoldingsystemmakethisbikeshine.CARRYALLeasilyfitsinthetrunk ...,TheCarryAllisacompactfoldabletricyclewiththreewheels,designedforactiveseniors,peoplewhodonotknowhowtocycleorcannotbalanceontwo ...,CarryAllFoldableTricycleinSlateGrey;RiderHeight145–185cm;MaxLoad100kgincl.rider&luggage;MightyVelo.Specialtyonlinestorefo...