
UseClipchamptomakeawesomevideosfromscratchorstartwithatemplatetosavetime.Editvideos,audiotracksandimageslikeaprowithoutthepricetag.,ClipchampisaMicrosoftcompany.Createvideosmadeformobileinminutes–noexperienceneeded.Recordclips,setvideoduration,automatecaptions, ...,Clipchamp是Microsoft365的全新影片編輯器,能簡化編輯影片剪輯的工作,您就能輕鬆在家建立高品質的影片。,Mobileapp.Createvideosonthego....


Use Clipchamp to make awesome videos from scratch or start with a template to save time. Edit videos, audio tracks and images like a pro without the price tag.

Clipchamp on the App Store

Clipchamp is a Microsoft company. Create videos made for mobile in minutes – no experience needed. Record clips, set video duration, automate captions, ...

Clipchamp 影片編輯器

Clipchamp 是Microsoft 365 的全新影片編輯器,能簡化編輯影片剪輯的工作,您就能輕鬆在家建立高品質的影片。


Mobile app. Create videos on the go. Record, edit, and caption your creations – all in one app. Clipchamp is now available for iOS devices in the App Store.


Create videos on the go. Record, edit, and caption your creations – all in one app. Clipchamp is now available for iOS devices in the App Store.


Create videos on the go. Record, edit, and caption your creations – all in one app. Clipchamp is now available for iOS devices in the App Store.

Free Online Video Editor | Clipchamp

How to make a video in Clipchamp · Upload media, select stock footage, record a video or choose a video template. · Trim, crop, resize, flip, and edit the speed ...

Introducing Microsoft Clipchamp

2023年12月7日 — Clipchamp is a video editor designed to make video creation easy for everyone, even for those with no prior experience. It allows you to combine ...


Microsoft Clipchamp 是一個影片編輯器,旨在讓所有人輕鬆建立視訊,即使是沒有先前編輯體驗的使用者也一樣。 它可讓您合併視訊、影像和音訊檔案,以及新增文字和 ...


Clipchamp 允许你免费创作任意数量的高清晰度(1080p)视频,这样你可以专注于最重要的部分:你的内容。 无论是为企业创作视频还是只是为了好玩,我们的免费视频编辑器都是 ...

Bandicut 3.8.2 無損裁切影片快速又方便

Bandicut 3.8.2 無損裁切影片快速又方便
