
ShareSync ports?

Cloud Station ShareSync uses Cloud Station port. nixjps ... As sincarne wrote, Cloud Station ShareSync uses Cloud Station Port (TCP:6690).

DSM 服務使用哪些網路連接埠?

Cloud Station, 6690, TCP. DHCP Server, 53、67、68, TCP / UDP. DNS Server, 53 (named), TCP / UDP. LDAP Server (原名稱為Directory Server), 389 ( ...

Synology Cloud Station Setup Guide

Comments81 ; Synology Cloud Station ShareSync Setup Guide. Thought Provoking Tech · 32K views ; Synology NAS Setup Guide - Part 2. Thought ...

What Network Ports Are Used by Synology Services?

Cloud Station, 6690, TCP. DHCP Server, 67, 68, UDP. LDAP Server (formerly Directory Server), 389 (LDAP), 636 (LDAP with SSL), TCP. Download ...

Synology Cloud Station DS Cloud Setup

A best practice guide for setting up remote access for under 10 user enviroments. Note: It does not include steps for VPN or port forwarding.

Synology Cloud Station

Synology Cloud Station is a file-sharing application that allows users to synchronize files between Synology NAS and mobile devices or a centralized Synology ...

synology cloud sync port forwarding

請問各位師兄synology cloud sync 需唔需要做port forwarding ?Thanks.

Cloud Sync port? : rsynology

What port does Cloud Sync use? I am trying to setup a traffic limiter for it. When I look in Traffic Control in DSM 7 there is an RSync but ...

Solved - Cloud Station ShareSync

Drive ShareSync is the replacement of Cloud Station ShareSync. You could check the /music ownership, access permissions and privileges.

DSM 6.1.7 & Cloud Station vs Synology Drive

How can I get the Cloud Station Sharesync back to the 6.1.7 DSM version (or the Drive Station, I don't really mind)?. Thanks for your help.


CloudStationShareSyncusesCloudStationport.nixjps...Assincarnewrote,CloudStationShareSyncusesCloudStationPort(TCP:6690).,CloudStation,6690,TCP.DHCPServer,53、67、68,TCP/UDP.DNSServer,53(named),TCP/UDP.LDAPServer(原名稱為DirectoryServer),389( ...,Comments81;SynologyCloudStationShareSyncSetupGuide.ThoughtProvokingTech·32Kviews;SynologyNASSetupGuide-Part2.Thought ...,CloudStation,6690,TCP.DHCPServ...