評分5.0(3)·免費·iOSThisinnovativemobileapputilizesthelatestinOCR(opticalcharacterrecognition)andAItechnologytoquicklyandaccuratelyscananddigitizebusiness ...,Instantlyconvertyourspreadsheetofcontactsintoshareablecontactfileswithjustafewclicks.Wan...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Contactify™ on the App Store

評分 5.0 (3) · 免費 · iOS This innovative mobile app utilizes the latest in OCR (optical character recognition) and AI technology to quickly and accurately scan and digitize business ...

Contactify by CodeChef

Instantly convert your spreadsheet of contacts into shareable contact files with just a few clicks. Want to reverse the process? VCF to Excel.

Services for enterprise customers

contactify offers digital business cards packed with features ideal for enterprise networking and contact sharing. Discover how our services can optimize ...

在App Store 上的「Contactify™」

資訊 ; 供應商: Spicyfy Ventures LLC ; 大小: 53.4 MB ; 類別: 商業 ; 相容性. iPhone: 需要iOS 12.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 12.0 或以上版本。 iPod ...


這款創新的移動應用程序利用最新的OCR(光學字符識別)和AI 技術快速準確地掃描名片並將其數字化。 使用Contactify™,您可以輕鬆地掃描名片中的聯繫信息並將 ...


Contactify™, our business card reader app with NFC features, allows you to scan and store contact details on NFC cards. Manage, integrate, and gain insights ...


Make contacts quickly and easily thanks to modern technology. Contactify Cards Stacked. Instant sharing via link, QR code or NFC card. Services for enterprise... · Imprint · Company Management · Success Stories

Contactify Contact Harvest

Contactify is a powerful Chrome extension that allows you to sync and harvest contact information from webpages.

Contactify Contact Harvest

Contactify is a powerful Chrome extension that allows you to sync and harvest contact information from webpages in a structured and efficient way.

Digital business cards by contactify

With contactify's digital business card, effortlessly share your contact info through a QR code, personal link, or NFC card. Designed for the modern enterprise, ...


評分5.0(3)·免費·iOSThisinnovativemobileapputilizesthelatestinOCR(opticalcharacterrecognition)andAItechnologytoquicklyandaccuratelyscananddigitizebusiness ...,Instantlyconvertyourspreadsheetofcontactsintoshareablecontactfileswithjustafewclicks.Wanttoreversetheprocess?VCFtoExcel.,contactifyoffersdigitalbusinesscardspackedwithfeaturesidealforenterprisenetworkingandcontactsharing.Discoverhowourser...