迴歸曲線(Regression Curve)

curve·n.(道路的)彎曲處·v.使彎曲.例句.Theroadcurvedawayroundthebackofthehill.Theroadfollowsthe ...,評分3.0(58,829)·免費·AndroidRevolutioniseyourwalletwithCurve-onesmartcardthatcombinesallyourdebitandcreditcards&maximisesyourrewards&cashbackworldwi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


curve 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

curve · n. (道路的)彎曲處 · v. 使彎曲. 例句. The road curved away round the back of the hill. The road follows the ...

Curve: Cashback Digital Wallet

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curve (【名詞】曲線, 弧線)意思、用法及發音

curve 例句. The driver lost control on a tight curve and crashed. 這名司機在急彎的時候失控撞車。 There are many curves in the road. I drew a curve on the page ...


不同於一般健身房所採用的傳統重訓器材,Curves使用的是油 壓式阻力訓練器材,依據使用者操作時的力道而增加重量,有效達到 肌力訓練的效果,同時也安全、容易學習、不易造成 ...


7 天前 · CURVE翻譯:曲線,弧線;轉彎, (球運動的)弧線軌跡, 彎曲;成弧線運動。了解更多。


curve · n.[C]. 曲線,弧線;曲線狀物;彎曲部分;(道路的)彎曲處 · vt. 使彎曲;使成曲線 · vi. 彎曲;(依)曲線行進 ...


CURVE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a line that bends continuously and has no straight parts: 2. the curved shape in which a ball…。了解更多。


Curve DAO is building the software that powers the future world economy: decentralised, trustless, inclusive and autonomous. Community. Twitter · Discord.


音標: [kɝv]; 解釋: 曲線;彎曲;道路的轉彎處. 例句: The car accident happens on a curve in the road easily. 翻譯: 車禍容易發生在道路的轉彎處。


curve·n.(道路的)彎曲處·v.使彎曲.例句.Theroadcurvedawayroundthebackofthehill.Theroadfollowsthe ...,評分3.0(58,829)·免費·AndroidRevolutioniseyourwalletwithCurve-onesmartcardthatcombinesallyourdebitandcreditcards&maximisesyourrewards&cashbackworldwide.,curve例句.Thedriverlostcontrolonatightcurveandcrashed.這名司機在急彎的時候失控撞車。Therearemanycurvesintheroad.Idrewacurveonthepage ...,...