2018年1月14日—[Question]whenCydiasubstrateisupdated,doyouthinkitwouldrunmorestableonLiberiOSorElectra?Question.,2018年1月8日—However,hehasalsorevealedthatheisalmostdonemakingCydiaSubstratecompatibleiOS11.SaurikProvidesaUpdateonCydiaandSubstrate ....。參考影片的文章的如下:


[Question] when Cydia substrate is updated, do you think it ...

2018年1月14日 — [Question] when Cydia substrate is updated, do you think it would run more stable on LiberiOS or Electra? Question.

Saurik Provides a Update on Cydia and Substrate for iOS 11

2018年1月8日 — However, he has also revealed that he is almost done making Cydia Substrate compatible iOS 11. Saurik Provides a Update on Cydia and Substrate ...

Saurik替Cydia Substrate 推出iOS 11更新支援unc0ver越獄

2018年12月17日 — Cydia Substrate 是做什麼用的? Cydia Substrate主要的工作是值入代碼到另一個程式的平台,當值入代碼後可以利用這平台來修改他的主程式,也就是它是所有 ...

Cydia Substrate

Cydia Substrate (formerly Mobile Substrate, commonly shortened to Substrate) was a platform that made it easier to develop third-party addons for iOS.

[UPDATE] Cydia Substrate has been updated to 0.9.7111

2020年8月30日 — Cydia Substrate 0.9.7111 fixes an issue I introduced in 0.9.7109, while fixing the zombie process problem, which accidentally un-fixed the ...

Saurik releases Cydia Substrate 0.9.7000 with full support ...

2018年12月17日 — Saurik released Cydia Substrate 0.9.7000 on Monday, an updated version of the code insertion platform that brings full support for the unc0ver jailbreak.

LiberiOS iOS 11 Jailbreak, Cydia And Substrate

2017年12月26日 — We will of course keep you updated on the state of Cydia and Cydia Substrate for LiberiOS iOS 11.0-11.1.2 jailbreak. Stay tuned to us for more ...


In December 2018, saurik released a version of Cydia Substrate that works with iOS 11. Before that, Substitute had been the only Cydia Substrate replacement but ...


2018年1月14日—[Question]whenCydiasubstrateisupdated,doyouthinkitwouldrunmorestableonLiberiOSorElectra?Question.,2018年1月8日—However,hehasalsorevealedthatheisalmostdonemakingCydiaSubstratecompatibleiOS11.SaurikProvidesaUpdateonCydiaandSubstrate ...,2018年12月17日—CydiaSubstrate是做什麼用的?CydiaSubstrate主要的工作是值入代碼到另一個程式的平台,當值入代碼後可以利用這平台來修改他的主程式,也就是...