David Kushner

2023年5月19日—DaylightLyrics:TellingmyselfIwon'tgothere/Oh,butIknowthatIwon'tcare/TrynawashawayallthebloodI'vespilt/Thislust ...,2023年4月14日—[Verse1]TellingmyselfIwon'tgothere我告訴自己,“我不會往絕境走去”OhbutIknowthatIwon'tcare哦,但我知道我...。參考影片的文章的如下:


David Kushner

2023年5月19日 — Daylight Lyrics: Telling myself I won't go there / Oh, but I know that I won't care / Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt / This lust ...

David Kushner

2023年4月14日 — [Verse 1] Telling myself I won't go there 我告訴自己,“我不會往絕境走去” Oh but I know that I won't care 哦,但我知道我一點不在乎Tryna ...

Daylight 歌詞Maroon 5 ※ Mojim.com

Daylight Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon Why am I holding on We knew this day would come, we knew it all along How did it come so fast This is ...


Daylight-歌詞- Telling myself I won't go there Oh, but I know that I won't care Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt This lust is.


Daylight-歌詞- Telling myself I won't go there Oh, but I know that I won't care Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt This lust is a burden.

Taylor Swift - Daylight 中文歌詞翻譯 - The ONE.

2019年8月25日 — [Verse 1]. My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in. 我的愛就像我居住的那些城市一樣殘酷. Everyone looked worse in the light.

Taylor Swift - Daylight 晨曦謐光- 中文歌詞

2022年12月27日 — Taylor Swift - Daylight 晨曦謐光- 中文歌詞 · I wanna be defined by the things that I love · 我希望我自己能被我內心真正喜愛的事物所定義 · Not the ...

〈歌詞翻譯〉Taylor Swift – Daylight

2019年8月26日 — 當白日來臨,你必須走出黑暗,沐浴在愛中,並放下過去糾纏你的一切。如此,你才能讓你所愛的來定義你;如此,你才能在愛裡自由。


2023年5月19日—DaylightLyrics:TellingmyselfIwon'tgothere/Oh,butIknowthatIwon'tcare/TrynawashawayallthebloodI'vespilt/Thislust ...,2023年4月14日—[Verse1]TellingmyselfIwon'tgothere我告訴自己,“我不會往絕境走去”OhbutIknowthatIwon'tcare哦,但我知道我一點不在乎Tryna ...,DaylightHereIamwaiting,I'llhavetoleavesoonWhyamIholdingonWeknewthisdaywouldcome,weknewitallalongHowdiditcomesofastThisis ...,Daylig...