Risking His Life To Save Tunnel Survivors

Daylightisa1996AmericandisasterfilmdirectedbyRobCohenandstarringSylvesterStallone,AmyBrenneman,ViggoMortensen,DanHedaya,StanShaw, ...,SylvesterStalloneracesagainsttimetoleadagroupofstrandedcommutersoutofacollapsedtunnel100feetbelowtheHudsonRiver....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Daylight (1996 film)

Daylight is a 1996 American disaster film directed by Rob Cohen and starring Sylvester Stallone, Amy Brenneman, Viggo Mortensen, Dan Hedaya, Stan Shaw, ...


Sylvester Stallone races against time to lead a group of stranded commuters out of a collapsed tunnel 100 feet below the Hudson River.

Watch Daylight | Prime Video

評分 4.7 (3,113) Both ends of a New York City tunnel collapse, trapping hundreds of motorists beneath the Hudson River - can one man lead the commuters to daylight?

Daylight (2013)

評分 3.9/10 (566) A team of Child Protective Services workers investigate a series of bizarre child abuse cases in the small town of Daylight, IN.

Daylight (1996)

評分 6/10 (78,386) Disaster in a New York tunnel as explosions collapse both ends of it. One hero tries to help the people inside find their way to safety. Trivia · Sylvester Stallone · Awards · User reviews

Daylight (1996) is such a thoroughly entertaining and well

It's a prime example of why practical effects will forever remain superior to the CGI which makes up 90% of modern disaster movies.

Daylight (1996)

Daylight (1996) - How is this not a Stallone classic? I thought the whole movie was really enjoyable.


評分 28% (43) A group of armed robbers fleeing the police head for the New Jersey Tunnel and run right into trucks transporting toxic waste.

Daylight Official Trailer #1 - Dan Hedaya Movie (1996) HD

This movie is a spot on quite realistic portrayal of a crisis situation. It is a masterpiece of a film.


Daylightisa1996AmericandisasterfilmdirectedbyRobCohenandstarringSylvesterStallone,AmyBrenneman,ViggoMortensen,DanHedaya,StanShaw, ...,SylvesterStalloneracesagainsttimetoleadagroupofstrandedcommutersoutofacollapsedtunnel100feetbelowtheHudsonRiver.,評分4.7(3,113)BothendsofaNewYorkCitytunnelcollapse,trappinghundredsofmotoristsbeneaththeHudsonRiver-canonemanleadthecommuterstodaylight?,評分3.9/10(5...