

Easily plan tasks and to-dos. Desktop-Reminder is the perfect tool for absentminded people who have a hard time keeping up with their pending tasks. With ...

Best Desktop Reminder Apps for Productivity

2024年5月7日 — Desktop reminder apps are essential for improving productivity and task management. Mobile reminder apps offer on-the-go notifications and ...

The Best Reminders App for Windows

Millions rely on Any.do, a beautifully designed reminders app for your Windows device, that makes it easy to organize your life and get more done.

The Best Reminders App for Desktop

Millions rely on Any.do, a beautifully designed reminders app for your Desktop, that makes it easy to organize your life and get more done.

Download Desktop-Reminder

Desktop-Reminder requires .NET Framework 4.8, which is a standard component of Windows 10 and above. In previous Windows versions it can be installed using ...


Desktop-Reminder is a FREEWARE task planner for Windows to manage your tasks and other to-dos' in an easy way. It can start with Windows and list all tasks, ...

Desktop-Reminder 3.2

Desktop-Reminder is a FREEWARE task planner for Windows to manage your tasks and other to-dos' in an easy way. It can start with Windows and list all tasks, ...

How to Set Reminders in Windows 11

2023年9月28日 — To set up a reminder in Microsoft To Do, select a task followed by Remind me. Choose a date and time to have your reminder go off, or have it ...

How to completely uninstall Desktop Reminder

Look for Desktop Reminder in the list and click on it. The next step is to click on uninstall, so you can initiate the uninstallation.


Easilyplantasksandto-dos.Desktop-Reminderistheperfecttoolforabsentmindedpeoplewhohaveahardtimekeepingupwiththeirpendingtasks.With ...,2024年5月7日—Desktopreminderappsareessentialforimprovingproductivityandtaskmanagement.Mobilereminderappsofferon-the-gonotificationsand ...,MillionsrelyonAny.do,abeautifullydesignedremindersappforyourWindowsdevice,thatmakesiteasytoorganizeyourlifeandgetmoredone.,...