The World Of Sound | Demo | Dolby Atmos

DolbyAtmosHorizonDemo.ThisdemohighlightstheabilityofDolbyAtmostocreateasenseofheightandscaleinthesoundscape.Soundsappeartocomefrom ...,TheDolbyAtmosVisualizerletsyoudemoDolbyAtmosMusic.SwitchbetweenstereoandDolbyAtmosimmersivesoundtodiscovernewle...。參考影片的文章的如下:


¦› Dolby Atmos Demo

Dolby Atmos Horizon Demo. This demo highlights the ability of Dolby Atmos to create a sense of height and scale in the soundscape. Sounds appear to come from ...

Dolby Atmos Visualizer Music

The Dolby Atmos Visualizer lets you demo Dolby Atmos Music. Switch between stereo and Dolby Atmos immersive sound to discover new levels of detail and clarity.

Dolby Atmos

Take your music and entertainment to the next level with Dolby Atmos, a revolutionary spatial audio technology for the most immersive sound experience.

The 27 best Dolby Atmos movie scenes to test your home ...

2023年9月12日 — We run down our favourite film scenes that need to be heard in Dolby Atmos.


DolbyAtmosHorizonDemo.ThisdemohighlightstheabilityofDolbyAtmostocreateasenseofheightandscaleinthesoundscape.Soundsappeartocomefrom ...,TheDolbyAtmosVisualizerletsyoudemoDolbyAtmosMusic.SwitchbetweenstereoandDolbyAtmosimmersivesoundtodiscovernewlevelsofdetailandclarity.,TakeyourmusicandentertainmenttothenextlevelwithDolbyAtmos,arevolutionaryspatialaudiotechnologyforthemostimmersivesoundexperien...
