If you have a PC with easislides v4 and want to migrate and install easyslides v5 on another PC, follow Note 1 below first. Click here to download easyslides 5.
Easislides - download the latest version for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit and 64-bit). Project prayers, religious songs or other texts in two languages ...
2024年3月2日 — Easislides is a small presentation program that helps you present and project lyrics, prayers or any other texts, including ones written by ...
2024年3月2日 — Easislides is a small presentation program that helps you present and project lyrics, prayers or any other texts, including ones written by ...
Easyslides 5 is a FREE Worship Projection Software designed for projecting lyrics and Bible texts onto a large screen for Christian Worship. Version 4 has been ...