Unlocking the Encoders in Nvidia Geforce Video Cards... It's a Hack!

SeemsthattheGPUtranscodingchartisdown:https://www.elpamsoft.com/?p=Plex-Hardware-Transcoding.Anyonehaveabackup?,SSDTweakerisatweakingtoolthatenablesyoutooptimizeWindowssettingsfortheuseofSolidStateDrives(SSD).Ifyouknowwhatyou'redoing,youcan ...,O...。參考影片的文章的如下:


elpamsoft GPU transcoding page down? : rPleX

Seems that the GPU transcoding chart is down: https://www.elpamsoft.com/?p=Plex-Hardware-Transcoding. Anyone have a backup?

Elpamsoft software downloads and reviews from SnapFiles

SSD Tweaker is a tweaking tool that enables you to optimize Windows settings for the use of Solid State Drives (SSD). If you know what you're doing, you can ...


Optimize and Restore Performance of your SSD in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. The SSD Tweaker has a massive distribution around the world for its simple yet ...


View threat intelligence for elpamsoft.com, including web technologies WHOIS data, DNS records, HTTP headers, and more.

Enable iOS AirPrint Support on Windows (and now Macs too)

There are a few third-party installers available, but I recommend downloading the Elpamsoft AirPrint Installer. Elpamsoft AirPrint Installer Download Mirror.

nVidia Hardware Transcoding Calculator for Plex Estimates

“Streams for VRAM” is how many Plex Streams will fit in VRAM at any one time, this figure is based on 1080p@15MBPS to 720p@4MBPS per stream.

SSD Tweaker 4.0.1

SSD Tweaker 是在由Elpamsoft開發類別Miscellaneous Shareware 軟體。 它是由我們用戶端應用程式更新期間的最後一個月的使用者更新1,634 次進行檢查。 最新版本是 ...

SSD Tweaker v3.0.8 - 提高SSD 效能工具程式

【檔案名稱】:SSD Tweaker v3.0.8 - 提高SSD 效能工具程式【檔案大小】:996 KB(解壓後) 【檔案格式】:EXE 【作業系統】:Windows XP / Vista / XP X64 ...

SSD Tweaker 免安裝中文版

SSD Tweaker 是一款可以優化SSD 固態硬碟設定從而提升效能的固態硬碟工具軟體,雖然網路提供給我們許許多多SSD 硬碟的設定調校技巧,我們仍要花時間研究來獲得SSD 硬碟的 ...

[工具] SSD Tweaker 4.0.1 固態硬碟優化軟體

elpamsoft.com 【軟體介紹】:SSD Tweaker 軟體就是專門針對固態硬碟來對Windows作業系統做調校的程式,不論是32位元或是64位元都可以使用,有許多 ...


SeemsthattheGPUtranscodingchartisdown:https://www.elpamsoft.com/?p=Plex-Hardware-Transcoding.Anyonehaveabackup?,SSDTweakerisatweakingtoolthatenablesyoutooptimizeWindowssettingsfortheuseofSolidStateDrives(SSD).Ifyouknowwhatyou'redoing,youcan ...,OptimizeandRestorePerformanceofyourSSDinWindowsXP,Vista,7and8.TheSSDTweakerhasamassivedistributionaroundtheworldforitssimpleyet ...,Viewthreatintellige...