Galaxy S24 After 10 Months



Snapdragon vs. Exynos Processors

P.S. If you are looking for gaming and best battery performance, go for a Snapdragon. But if you need a better camera then go for Exynos.

Defining The Difference Between Exynos And Snapdragon ...

Exynos has advantages in terms of RAM consumption and power or battery. While Snapdragon excels in terms of performance.

Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 vs Exynos 2400 Galaxy S24 tested

Exynos offers better battery life. While Snapdragon has the edge in performance, our testing suggests Exynos Galaxy S24 customers will see ...

Which is better for Android devices, Exynos or Snapdragon?

Snapdragon is far far far far better for Android devices than Exynos. What you need to know about Exynos chips is that only Samsung phones use ...

What are the differences in performance and battery life ...

In case of optimization snapdragon little bit more optimize than Exynos that snapdragon chipset is more power efficient.

How bad is exynos compared to snapdragon ? : rGalaxyS24

exynos is usually a lot worse in cellular. if you use the phone on wifi you wont notice any difference but the cellular modem is awful compared ...

Snapdragon vs Exynos? : rsamsung

In recent years, Exynos models were consistently inferior to Snapdragon models. Not by much, but slightly slower in benchmarks, less battery ...

Galaxy S25 vs. S24 Exynos vs. Snapdragon Battery and Camera Test!

3 天前 · Let's see which phone is doing better, S25 vs. S24 Exynos vs. S24 Snapdragon. 00:00 Samsung S25 vs S24 00:32 Design 00:47 PWM and Display ...

Snapdragon vs Exynos on Galaxy S24

I finally got both Snapdragon and Exynos versions of S24. I compared the performance and battery life of the Galaxy S24 Exynos 2400 to the ...


P.S.Ifyouarelookingforgamingandbestbatteryperformance,goforaSnapdragon.ButifyouneedabettercamerathengoforExynos.,ExynoshasadvantagesintermsofRAMconsumptionandpowerorbattery.WhileSnapdragonexcelsintermsofperformance.,Exynosoffersbetterbatterylife.WhileSnapdragonhastheedgeinperformance,ourtestingsuggestsExynosGalaxyS24customerswillsee ...,SnapdragonisfarfarfarfarbetterforAndroiddevicesthanExynos...